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Smeagol is Free! A hermitudinal view of...stuff... |
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![]() 10.31.2007 Up Close & Out There Cherokee Park, sometime before sunset. 0 speakage Reformation Day Reflections I really want to see Dr. Brand doing a little song and dance. Some overzealous and ill-informed Boyce student is going to be caught stealing 95 thesis papers and nailing all of them to the door of the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary's library. Good coffee doesn't really come from Germany, but beer and Reformers do. I want to see how many SBTS students will be dressing up as Luther today. I have some bread sitting on my desk, and I can't help but think, "in, with, and under." I just know there's some reformed geek, whose pregnant wife's due date is very near, who is hoping to name the child Martin(a) Luther, even though said wife is far from sold on the names. Said geek is undoubtedly cheering the child out of the womb, hoping for it to be born today. There are probably any number of SBTS students having deep, meaningful, groundbreaking discussions on why it's inappropriate for people to be dressing up their kids in costumes today. Just kidding. Kind of. posted by Bolo | 1:47 PM 3 speakage He's a Big Boy Now The Littlest Ing, Koen, turned a year old yesterday. I'm not sure if he gets the concept of birthdays, cake, and ice cream just yet, but I'm certain that his older brother does. While I'm also not convinced that he looks like his siblings, I do know that he probably misses his Uncle Johnny a whole lot :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 0 speakage 10.30.2007 One Out of Ten Pablo once said that nine out of ten times, I'll do something that makes me a real jerk for a friend, but the one time I don't, it's because I do something so classy that my friends can't help but love me. I think I maybe had that one time tonight. Maybe. posted by Bolo | 10:53 PM 0 speakage Oh Johnny Boy Some weeks ago, Miss Katie Faye Vaughn was kind enough to "write" a song for me. Last Saturday night at Java, she deigned to perform it in front of a fairly large crowd. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera on me, so I wasn't able to get that performance recorded. I did, however, manage to cajole her into a reprisal at dinner a short while later. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I now have a song. Rock on. posted by Bolo | 3:08 PM 2 speakage Morning! As much as I don't like to wake up early, I must admit, once I'm up and out the door, mornings aren't all that bad. What I especially enjoy is the feeling of seeing everything fresh, as though I'm the first one to see it, as if the morning has been sitting there all night, waiting for me to wake up and take it all in. The sun's rays stretch out toward fields of grass; I sometimes wonder what grass would look like if it was smiling, and if it could, I think it would definitely be smiling then. I drive by a little boy holding his mommy's hand, jumping up and down in place, waiting for his big yellow school bus to take him to see his friends. I hope he never grows up, never gets tired of going to see his friends. When I myself was a little boy, I remember one smell coming from the cafeteria at school in the early hours, that of bread baking. Whenever I smell that smell, it still says to me, "Good morning!" posted by Bolo | 8:54 AM 2 speakage 10.29.2007 Question "How are you?" The variations of that non-threatening, traditional greeting are many, but the purpose is the same: to greet someone. But you know what? I find my answers severely...lacking. Rarely do I feel as though I've really answered the question. Sometimes, it's because I don't really want to tell that person how I'm doing. At other times, it's because I don't like the answer, even if I really want to gush my guts. At still other times, I find that I don't even understand the answer, or think that maybe the answer isn't valid for some reason. Tonight, though, I thought about that question. What I find I really want to ask isn't, "How are you?" No, my question lies somewhere along these lines: "Are you enjoying Jesus? Are you believing the promises that are yes and amen in Him? What areas of sin do you see in my life that need to be addressed? Do you see Christ in me? What has the LORD been teaching you in these recent days and weeks?" In my head, those are the questions I hear. In my heart, those are the questions that burn. So tell me...are you enjoying Jesus? posted by Bolo | 10:45 PM 0 speakage Score! We scored. Yup. We did. It wasn't all that pretty, though...hehehe. posted by Bolo | 8:50 AM 0 speakage Pride Purging Today, I had a friend offer me, as he put it, a "gentle rebuke." I think I took it well, and, in hindsight, it was not at all a wound I would like to have gone without. As I thought about it later, I realized why such things are so hard to accept, yet so darned good for us: they crush our pride and remind us of our need for a Savior. Today we had an ordination service for three of our newest elders. I have the privilege of knowing all three comparably well, all things considered. Jeff preached to us of the need to crush pride and embrace humility, and how God often humbles us in ways we do not expect, and that such ways that show us, both pointedly and poignantly, how infested with pride our flesh still is. In reflecting upon my gentle rebuke, in both its delivery and reception, I realized that such a grace is not something to be happy about merely because it becomes another notch on my spiritual chart of accolades. That would be stupid. No, the reason for joy in this case is that the LORD, in His promised goodness to us in Christ, was pleased to form His children more and more into the image of His Son today, and He did so through that humbling interaction. If that's not our motivation, what is? posted by Bolo | 1:12 AM 0 speakage 10.28.2007 Thoughts I had yet another random person come up to me and ask, "Are you Monica's brother?" Bread...classic, just classic. Smartwool socks? Blessings for my feet, baby. I was beginning to wonder if Larue's nose would ever stop running. Woke up without an alarm clock; amazing. Mmm...food. Been on an Aerosmith kick the past couple of days. Speaking of Aerosmith, that makes me think of Malinger. 'Drew must really love his daddy. "Turfmaster!" Yeah, I got your Turfmaster right here, Andy. Sorrow...great sorrow...the Ditto's burger with sausage and cheese is no more. The dry-processed Organic Idio Misty Valley? Amazing! "Huck, thrower, huck! Huck, thrower, huck! Hammer or you're nothing!" posted by Bolo | 4:56 PM 3 speakage Off White While we didn't exactly take LUFA by storm, we did manage to eek out a respectable fifth-place finish on a tourney day where we were fairly short on subs. We had a boatload of fun, learned a bunch, and played hard. I daresay we all enjoyed ourselves immensely. Here's to Off White, LUFA's Fall League 2007 fifth-place team! 0 speakage 10.27.2007 Status *Yawn*...*groan*... posted by Bolo | 7:36 PM 2 speakage All Scrabbled Up I think my dear friends were a little perturbed at the way their Scrabble game was going...what thinkest thou? posted by Bolo | 8:46 AM 0 speakage Varietal Viewing 0 speakage 10.26.2007 Thoughts How are pineapples like your mom? Only the guys in the Primaltoe Supplemation office really know...even then, I'm not sure we really know. Ok, if my memory serves me correctly, Mon, Dave, and Makana will be traveling back to Tuscon on Sunday, the fourth of November, which also happens to be the same day the 12th season of a certain TV show has its first episode. Oh, the irony. Saturday, team Off White will get awfully dirty. My cleats really, really stink; don't ask why I mention this. Petey is making Mario Bros. noises in the office. The smoke coming out of the smokestack looked incredibly white against the backdrop of a deep periwinkle sky this morning. I wonder if Stephen will think it was I who put the fake spider in his coffee mug. The weather has been abysmally schizophrenic as of late. What a weekend...it'll be a busy one...but something tells me Monday will be here sooner than I think it will. I wonder if Stephen has discovered the fake spider I put in his mug. posted by Bolo | 5:57 PM 0 speakage Exhibitionist As Christin put it, this is my "first art exhibit." Sweet. ![]() ![]() 5 speakage 10.25.2007 Promises, Promises 2 Corinthians 1:20 For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us. Paul's words refer unflinchingly to Jesus in this verse. "In Him," Paul says, "in Him." Throughout this entire letter to the Corinthian church, Paul returns again and again to one foundation: Christ. Indeed, not just this letter, but all of his letters center on the Savior. Now, it might be asserted that this is something unique to Paul, but it's not. All of the other Apostles write with the same focus, for all write with the aim to leave, in some way, their readers with grace and peace. Yet, can we limit this focus? Hardly, for the very point Paul makes in this verse is to point to Christ as the fulfillment of all God's promises, numerous and unmeasurable and breathtaking as they may be. I'll be honest. This is a hard verse to swallow, let alone chew on. Some speak of passages in the book of Hebrews, the infamous "warning passages," as being fearful. Still, it's a verse like this that causes me to want to turn away in shame. How can this be true? God promises to forgive me. God promises never to leave me nor forsake me. God promises that all things work for my good, not just someone else's good. God promises unashamed bliss with Him in heaven. God promises that He loves me just as He loves His precious Son, Jesus. God promises that He sees me with the righteousness of His perfect, glorious Son, Jesus. God promises an intimacy with Him that not even the angels in heaven can comprehend. God promises that I am a vessel for His Holy Spirit. God promises that I will never taste death. God promises that He delights in me because He sees in me the glory of His delightful Son, Jesus. God promises things that I cannot even begin to comprehend, yet He gives them freely, graciously, lovingly, because He sent His Son as a propitiation for my sin. How can all of this be true? God's promises are beautiful...beautiful! Yet, I freely confess that I have such a hard time believing them. Oh, surely, I believe them in my mind, but what can easily become a poison to my heart is gazing overly much upon my self, upon my sin. It is then, in practice, that God's promises can go from being the bright, blazing glory that lights my path to merely the flickering starlight obscured by the clouds of a lonely night. What is wonderful to know, in the midst of deepest darkness, is that God also promises to be faithful, even when my faith fails, even when I am unfaithful. Why? Because His Son is faithful, and His faith does not fail us. posted by Bolo | 9:27 PM 0 speakage Buzz Buzz Brew Breakage That agonized wail heard across the continent at roughly 9 AM this morning? The sound of John Letoto accidentally breaking the beaker for his French Press while getting ready to make the morning coffee. This means that he has to drip brew this morning. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" posted by Bolo | 9:11 AM 3 speakage 10.24.2007 Flowery I like this one, too. 0 speakage Thoughts Who in the world came up with the half-your-age-plus-seven thing, anyway? Monsoons do interesting things to green coffee. Dr. Evil stands on my desk. Getting double your Moosejaw order but not having to pay for is an amazing feeling. I doubt many guys have authoritative conversations about womens fashion, ice makers, and bible college recruiting all in the same day. Peter is on Facebook; amazing! How did we play so terribly through two games last night? Yes yes yes, I'm well aware the Irish got their booties handed to 'em on Saturday, but are you aware that they also just picked up two verbal commitments for next year's Freshman class? Squirrel Babe, eh? I wonder if Smack is the official tongue of all Kentuckians...that would make sense, seeing that English is someone's second language. Creamy...beige. We may need to start building a boat. Oh, those crazy Vaughn sisters...only they would write and sing a song for me. posted by Bolo | 5:09 PM 2 speakage AM Beauty Mmm...Ben gets up to press the morning coffee... ...beautiful. Don't misconstrue this for me stating that Ben is beautiful; that ain't gonna happen any time soon ;) posted by Bolo | 8:41 AM 0 speakage 10.23.2007 Cubicle Conundrummationinglingered...ish We add each week to Sean's desk. Seriously. This was the scene a couple of weeks ago. Darth Tater!!! I don't know, I really don't. We found this in our break room yesterday. Perhaps it's evidence of a strange, mysterious man-crush...hmmm... 2 speakage For the Record Throwing a shoe (or five) at your alarm clock when the alarm is going off can be a very futile act. posted by Bolo | 7:40 AM 0 speakage OG @Sunergos 0 speakage 10.22.2007 Chat Log Ryan: QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Me: Hmmm...that would make an amazing Scrabble placement. Ryan: BOOK ON KEYBOARD John: hahahahahaha Ryan: TRIPPLE WOOOOOOOOOORD SCORE John: You know what the funny thing about that is? Ryan: NO John: I just spilled coffee on my desk, and some of it went onto my keyboard, so I thought it quite odd that it looked like you were typing what I was trying to avoid typing. Ryan: HA HA That's what really spiritual online chats look like with your pastor. Incidentally, by spilling my coffee, I was forced to lift up my keyboard, so I discovered the five or six Mentos that I stole from Ben a while back and hid under my keyboard. Sweet! posted by Bolo | 2:22 PM 0 speakage I Know You Know "What failure leaves us with is love. What you're left with if you're a Christian after you've failed is love. When we fall, our self-righteousness is shot a deadly blow, right? We love to stroke our own godliness and to notice it, and to stroke our own egos, but when you've fallen in front of everybody your life ends up like a dirty diaper in the middle of the living room floor. You hardly want to pick it up and say, 'This mess is my devotion to Jesus.' Nobody brags about that, right? Nobody goes around talking about their pure motives when they've just been exposed for having the spirituality of an open diaper. We are laid bare. But for a believer, this is a beautiful thing, because when a believer gets re-exposed as a hollow sinner in need of a Savior, he's back to being himself! There you are with a dirty diaper of an open life, and all of a sudden, love begins to bloom there. 'Cause what are you left being? Just what you always were: a sinner, saved by a Savior; a failure who's found a Champion; someone who has no hope who's found Someone who has hope, and isn't it amazing that Peter, so boastful, so full of self-confidence, is willing to say to the Lord God Almighty, who sees everything, 'You know I love you!' And he's willing to say it three times! 'If there's one thing I'm sure of, I know You know I love you!' How can he be so confident? Because when you've failed and Jesus keeps coming back for you...when you've failed and fallen, and you've fallen flat on your face, and Jesus goes and dies for you, when right there, He goes and dies for you, and then He comes to bring you breakfast! You don't have anything left of yourself! You're done! But you love Him...you love Him. How could you not love Him? You know, it's a good thing to get rid of the pride and the self-reliance and the self-desire, it's a good thing to be done with me. If your failure has taught you that Jesus won't work with you, you have not failed enough! Because your failure is not meant to teach you that Jesus can't do much with you, it's meant to teach you that you can't do anything with you! Your failure isn't meant to lower the bar of your expectations for your Christian discipleship, it's meant to destroy them apart from the power of Jesus Christ. It's a beautiful thing to be brought to nothing, because then you're at a place when you really say, 'Apart from You I can do nothing.'" -Ryan Fullerton, from a sermon a little over a year ago The other week, when I was talking to Shuey, I told him that I have a strange relationship with humility. I love the idea of humility, the notion of being humble, the reputation of being humble. But, in all reality, I really don't like being humbled. It's almost as though I go throughout my day asking the LORD how much humility is enough humility. Can you relate to this? It's a question that comes from the same heart that asks, "How much sin can I get away with and still be ok?" The problem with that heart is that it isn't a heart that understands the love of Christ because it doesn't see the way that Christ will purge out any false notions of self-righteousness. Why? Because the love of God is so perfect, so all-encompassing, that He will not allow us to be satisfied by anything less than that which satisfies Him: His Son. And how does He do this? By humbling us, bringing us to a point where we know we have nothing but love for Him. And how do we know this? Not because of what we do for Him, but because He loves us even and especially when we fail, and, as Ryan so beautifully states, because He brings us breakfast. posted by Bolo | 11:57 AM 0 speakage 10.21.2007 Mugs 0 speakage 10.20.2007 G Talk According to his voicemail, I was Ryan Fullerton's very first Google Talk voice call attempt, but I wasn't here to get it. Bummer. posted by Bolo | 5:52 PM 0 speakage Thoughts Only Huffman would somehow manage to fill her empty gas tank on the side of the expressway in the Little Black Dress. Sweet Maria's is a wonderful, wonderful place. It's ND vs. USC today, and no matter what the states of the programs, it's still the rivalry game. It's one thing to wake up for people to make them coffee on your day off, but it's another entirely to drive over to them to deliver freshly-pressed coffee. We're getting there with Fall, we're getting there. I wish I'd been outside a little earlier, when the sun was still a little closer to the horizon. That was an amazing roast and brew of Sidamo this morning. I'll never cease to be amazed at how quickly my affections for the LORD can wax and wane. I felt like I was supposed to do something last night, but I still don't know what it was. Ms. Collins has discovered how one can have conversations with John Letoto that never really happened. 'Drew and I are long overdue for a long, long talk. Ditto for Boss. And Mr. Mikami. Ms. Marra confirmed that conversations with John Letoto that never really happened really do happen. I wonder how long that bag of green coffee I've got for Revell the Younger will sit in my room. Dude, seriously, a wing suit? I want one, and I want to fly in it! If that bag is here for any serious length of time, I'll probably end up roasting it. At least people aren't pulling an SBTS these days; they're asking. Three on Thursday alone, in fact. posted by Bolo | 9:25 AM 3 speakage Bernheim 0 speakage 10.19.2007 Friday Funnies "It stopped after it stopped!" I have no idea how Ben comes up with such profundities. posted by Bolo | 3:52 PM 0 speakage It's All Around It's a wonderful morning outside. Regardless of whether or not I'm out there to enjoy it, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the waves are crashing. Well, they're crashing somewhere. The bible tells us that nature itself reveals the glory of God. Yesterday afternoon, residents of the 'Ville were witness to the power of God revealed in tornadoes, with one actually touching down fairly close to school. (Those who grew up in Kansas are laughing at us, but so be it.) My point this morning is a simple one: God's glory is revealed all around us, and to some degree, all of us can appreciate it. Yet, it is not unless one is in Christ that one can truly appreciate and rejoice in God's glory. Furthermore, when one is in Christ, one ought to appreciate and rejoice in God's glory all the more fully, being granted the very ability to see and the knowledge to comprehend what is displayed around us and in us and through us. posted by Bolo | 9:17 AM 0 speakage 10.18.2007 R.ing. R.ing When R. and JVizzle called me to tell me to get down to the basement, they called my dorm room phone. When I answered, R. asked me, "Where are you? Are you in your room?" Boyce College's finest, ladies and gentlemen. posted by Bolo | 8:07 PM 0 speakage HaR. HaR. HaR. Just got back from Fuller Hall's basement. I was sitting down there with Ridiculous and JVizzle, waiting out the tornado warnings. R. was singing songs, getting my Nalgene bottle thrown at her, and generally providing opportunities for JVizzle and me to laugh. I think the best part was seeing R. do her high-stepping run. Absolutely ridiculous, no doubt about it. JVizzle and I had no choice but to laugh at her, so laugh we did. A lot. posted by Bolo | 7:59 PM 0 speakage Thoughts I have a bag of charcoals sitting next to my desk; it ought to be used properly sometime soon. Puma's Complete Trailfox is an amazing piece of footwear. Last night was the second straight night of volleyball that we played with just four against six, and the second straight night we ended up losing some close games. It's the time of year to start thinking about our family Christmas party, and as such, I felt it necessary to remind the world, along with my esteemed siblings, just how cultured our bloodline is. Speaking of chicken, go for the balut, O'Neal, go for the balut! My favorite response to inquiries about the tat on my leg: "Yeah, I got it in May." Typical response to my favorite response to inquiries about said tat: "Oh yeah, it looks kind of new." I guess that's not bad for a tat done in May of '99. Our Sweet Maria's order comes in tomorrow. At least it's starting to look like Fall around here, even if it doesn't feel like it. Man...that Smythe...he's still capable of shocking me. Darth Tater's got a 'fro. DeWitt, you've got a big nickname now, bro. Cimato: ever feel blind, even though you're still seeing everything? Too bad JVizzle knew it was I who was calling her...that would have been quite a fun phone call otherwise. posted by Bolo | 3:34 PM 5 speakage 10.17.2007 28... Recently, I celebrated my 28th birthday. Yes yes yes, I did celebrate it, despite popular opinions to the contrary. This post, however, is not about defining the word "celebrate", but is instead an outflow of how I usually celebrate my birthdays: reflection. 'Drew and Boss just turned 30 a short while back. Neither one of them looks 30, and I daresay I could say the same of myself in a couple of years, too. Heck, I can say that of myself right now. The point is, looks can be deceptive -- as Gary can well attest to. Being older does not equate to being wiser. If anything, I feel far more foolish now than ever before. I think a large part of that comes with what I refer to as My Stupid Prayer: "Lord, reveal to me my sins." Man, I gotta stop praying that one. As I look back over the past year of life, I see a lot of outright failure. I'm selfish, proud, lustful, unkind, faithless, unbelieving...the list goes on and on, reading like a primer on the doctrine of sin. I feel bruised, often close to broken, and though others might say they see evidence of spiritual fire, I wonder if the smoke is about to wink out on me. When I hear speech about the one lost sheep being sought out by the Lord Jesus, I ask myself, "Will I be found? Do I really want to be found?" In reflecting over my walk with the Lord, I frequently conclude that it ought to be called a stumbling, not a walk. If this is discouraging to you, fear not, for I doubt that it's as discouraging to you as it has been to me. Yet, all is not doom and gloom, fair reader. Allow me to lead you toward the words of Richard Sibbes: "God often works by contraries: when he means to give victory, he will allow us to be foiled at first; when he mans to comfort, he will terrify first; when he means to justify, he will condemn us first; when he means to make us glorious, he will abase us first. A Christian conquers, even when he is conquered. When he is conquered by some sins, he gets victory over others more dangerous, such as spiritual pride and security." I've felt a greater, deeper awareness and need for grace in the past year than I ever have in my life. The LORD has not been, to my frail, doubting heart, as easy to trust, nor has He been so obviously glorious. Nevertheless, He has seen fit to make Himself worthy of trust, worthy of glory in my heart, many times by methods paradoxical and strange, using my failure to hedge me in and shepherd me toward grace. I feel much like Gomer or the prodigal son, both of whom knew their loved ones to be gracious, yet humbling themselves under that hand of grace only when first experiencing the depths of their own depravity and loss. Is the LORD gracious? Indeed, He is! posted by Bolo | 11:24 PM 10 speakage Return of the Tater Darth Tater has been found and is now sitting on Ben's desk once more. Drat! posted by Bolo | 8:36 AM 0 speakage 10.16.2007 Leafy Light 0 speakage QotD "It's likely but unlikely." -Ben Hedrick posted by Bolo | 4:10 PM 0 speakage Swivel, Swivel Stephen just mentioned Darth Tater. Ben heard. Ben's head started to swivel. I'm going to make Stephen's head swivel. Grrr. posted by Bolo | 12:04 PM 0 speakage Formulaic Morning + butter coffee cake + freshly-pressed Kochere District Yirgacheffe = happy Ned. Or was it Ted? posted by Bolo | 9:02 AM 0 speakage 10.15.2007 Fight! I think Ben's desk guardian and Darth Tater will go at it and fight for dominion of Ben's office space. At least, that's what Petey and I are hoping. posted by Bolo | 4:56 PM 0 speakage Thoughts The overnight low was somewhere in the 50's, but it's supposed to be up just past 80something today...and it's October. Saturday's loss hurt...I mean, believe it or not, we were actually in the game, close to upsetting fourth-ranked Boston College. Team Off White also lost again, but with a lineup short on players, many of them our best players, I'm not complaining too much. Ben just declared of the mold growing in the liquid in his cup, "It's growing up from my desk mascot to my desk guardian." Lyle is Fizzgig. After confirming that I didn't have a suit missing from my closet, the first thing I noticed was that S.D. O'Neal wore cuff links while preaching yesterday. I can't believe that I just said, "fourth-ranked Boston College." I was only mildly covetous while holding Coobs' new toy, his 30D. Volleyball tomorrow night should be good. Watching cats kill flies is much better than watching flies land on your food. Dave Shuey is the man. As much as I can't stand Hollywood cat fights, I wish the New Line vs. Peter Jackson tiff would just get resolved already. I feel like Fall isn't really here, but for some reason, I don't think Winter will be slow in going away, either. posted by Bolo | 9:15 AM 0 speakage 10.14.2007 Look Out 0 speakage 10.13.2007 Setting Yesterday, just before sunset. 0 speakage Dan She's Not Sure guys, she's got a few things she needs to work on, but c'mon, at least she's got a nice hat on, right? posted by Bolo | 2:48 AM 1 speakage 10.12.2007 TGI... It's hoody sweatshirt day! posted by Bolo | 8:43 AM 0 speakage 10.11.2007 Don't Forget Tomorrow is hoody sweatshirt day in the office. Yippee! My office, not your office, silly billy. posted by Bolo | 4:48 PM 0 speakage Jedi Mind Tricks Yesterday, while Ben and the vast majority of the office went out for lunch, I snagged Ben's Darth Tater and hid him somewhere near my desk. He didn't notice it was missing yesterday, but he did notice his tiny knife, which I secreted away in Darth Tater's innards, was gone from his desk. He blamed me, of course. I'll keep a daily log of Darth Tater's secret Sith exploits, as well as Big Ben's blindness to his missing head. posted by Bolo | 10:12 AM 0 speakage 10.10.2007 Abnormality It can't be a good thing when Richard Doublevee Hardison says to you, "When you're around, I feel normal." posted by Bolo | 10:48 PM 0 speakage Thoughts Matrix moment for the morning: Standing five feet away from Ben, I dodged a rolled-up sock the big guy threw with a backhanded flick aimed perfectly at my head, right in the middle of conversation. Arby's ought to differentiate between their apple turnover and their cherry turnover by using different colored icing. Just a thought. Today finally feels like Fall...*brrr*. There's no way that 36 single-spaced pages is a healthy thing, especially when you try to drive through the carpal tunnel. My niece is cuter than your niece, no contest. Sidamo in the morning is like ambrosia to the coffee craver's soul. This whole SEO thing is a lot like dating, methinks. I've realized that photographing things has a lot to do with how I'm seeing life...or if I'm seeing life at all...more on this later. Yes, Daddy Rev, this past weekend was a disappointment for me, too. That 3 - 4 D is looking like it's coming in nicely. I'm in the market for another fragrance. Ok, I admit it, the carpal tunnel joke was lame...live with it. Capilene base layers are wonderful things. I bet you're slightly disturbed as to just how I think dating is like SEO. We won two out of three last night, and I took some decent swings...from the middle! Would've been sweet if it had come out through her nose. Sorry 'bout those cold sores, kiddo. Lunch needed, soon. posted by Bolo | 11:10 AM 0 speakage 10.09.2007 Pleasing Tonight, I think of what Shuey and I discussed in a recent conversation. In it, he reminded me that desires that seem good can be idolatrous. That sounds obvious, but he painted that reality in sharp relief when he said that even a desire to live a holy life can be, horrifically enough, unholy. I see it in my own heart. The LORD is good; the degree to which He went in order to make this clear to sinful man is stunning and scandalous. Over and over and over again in Scripture, God drives home the point that He Himself is our supreme satisfaction, our supreme desire. This is the heart of obedience, that we would cry out to God, "I want you, no matter what is taken away from me; I want to please you, no matter how difficult the task; I want to glorify you, no matter how shameful to me; I want to be satisfied in You and with You alone, for nothing else will." A heart like this is not easy to come by. In fact, there was only one Man that was able to do that, and that Man was God in the flesh. The holiness that we are to show the world is found, first and foremost and thereafter, in Christ. I praise the LORD that it is His Son's Holy Spirit that is alive in me, and that it is His Son's obedience, not my own, that pleases the Father. posted by Bolo | 11:35 PM 0 speakage Ballot Stuffing Go vote. posted by Bolo | 11:17 AM 0 speakage Super Geek Lyle scored a 47.53452%. Whoa! posted by Bolo | 10:54 AM 0 speakage 10.08.2007 Linkage Word up, yo. Peter he's not, but still, he had to have looked pretty sweet. The Genesis shot is probably my favorite. We're gonna ask Andy to implement the flying monkey in the office. It ain't Easter, but we all love eggs, don't we? DGM's National Conference messages. posted by Bolo | 11:23 AM 0 speakage 10.07.2007 Quotable, Again "Hi Uncl Joh. Hap bothday. I loll you." From little Kavin... posted by Bolo | 11:39 PM 2 speakage Quotable "So eggplant to me is an abomination?" That's what Kason, my 6 year-old nephew, asked me when I tried to explain to him that the prayers of the wicked are an abomination in God's sight. posted by Bolo | 11:30 PM 0 speakage 10.06.2007 20 - 6 *Grin*. posted by Bolo | 11:42 PM 2 speakage 1 - 5? Please oh please oh please ohpleaseohpleaseohpleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaase... posted by Bolo | 10:57 PM 0 speakage Upset? We're WINNING!!!!!!!! In the SECOND FREAKIN' HALF!!!!!!!! posted by Bolo | 10:46 PM 0 speakage 10.05.2007 Somethings Two things: One, Ben made coffee today. Again. Twice in one day. Amazing! Two, we all got free lunch today. Three, IBC's website is up and running. Kind of. Four, I know that that's more than three things. posted by Bolo | 2:32 PM 0 speakage Pre-Pressed On the drive in to the office, I'd decided that my initial post this morning would go something like this: Need. Coffee. Now. Imagine my pleasant surprise when I walk in the door and see the press already sitting there, already pressed by Mr. Hedrick. Pleasant, indeed! Of course, he used my press, my beans, and my electric kettle. But that's beside the point. posted by Bolo | 8:44 AM 0 speakage 10.04.2007 What a Friend Is A friend is someone that tells you what you're thinking, saving you the trouble of telling them. A friend is the person that you take with you when you want to get away from everyone and be alone. A friend is the one who makes you hate goodbyes, makes you love hellos, and seems to melt the time between the two. A friend is someone who sees all the best stuff in you, but isn't ashamed of helping you bear the worst. A friend, when you get right down to it, is someone that makes you want to love Jesus. posted by Bolo | 10:18 PM 0 speakage Thoughts I witnessed insanity when the BoSox finally won it all, but I can only imagine what would happen if the Cubbies do. Aaahh, what's another century, right? I'm hungry, and peanut butter ain't gonna satisfy. JVizzle has a Facebook profile; piggies are flying. Her roommate's reaction to the fact that I was JVizzle's second friend, right behind her sister, was a profound and pouty, "Mmmph." Had a strange dream last night, one where someone had posted a post to me on my blog. I'd say I set like a girl last night, but I know what type of player MHS churned out. Cimato, just be glad that I share my thoughts with the world, not yours. Eight hours of sleep a night is overrated, and six is pushing it. One of these days, we're gonna take a trip down to Hair of the Dog Pub down in Chattanooga, order a burger, and tell the guy behind the bar, "Yooooouuuuuuurrrr moooooommmm." Ben is bugging me to go make coffee. The pain of 0 - 7 would be wiped out with an incredibly improssible move to 1 - 7. Haven't talked to 'Drew in forever. Yes, I just said "improssible." It's October, folks, October. Good grief, where does the time go? Buzz-buzz-brew time. posted by Bolo | 8:36 AM 3 speakage 10.03.2007 Greater Still Jesus, Lover of My Soul Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high. Hide me, O my Savior, hide, till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last. Other refuge have I none, hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, still support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stayed, all my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head with the shadow of Thy wing. Wilt Thou not regard my call? Wilt Thou not accept my prayer? Lo! I sink, I faint, I fall—Lo! on Thee I cast my care; Reach me out Thy gracious hand! While I of Thy strength receive, Hoping against hope I stand, dying, and behold, I live. Thou, O Christ, art all I want, more than all in Thee I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy Name, I am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with Thee is found, grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart; rise to all eternity. These words, written by Charles Wesley, serve me well today. We sometimes sing this hymn on Sunday mornings. Depending on how I'm feeling, or what kind of week I've had, I know I will occasionally sing, "Just and holy is Thy Name, I am all unrighteousness; false and full of sin I am..." and just leave it there. Sure, I'll complete the verse, but to be honest with you, I question my way through it, then do much the same with the last verse. I am wont to ask of the LORD, "Show me my sin!" Foolish follower of Christ that I am, I seem to ask Him that quite often. I need that prayer answered, too, so it's probably good that I pray that prayer. Still, I forget that the illuminating light which He is showing me my sin is the light of His grace. When I feel the numbing sting of sin, that feeling becomes unbearable because I know how soothing is the balm of Christ's reconciling love. When I seem to stumble bitterly in darkness, it is because I know the freedom of beholding the truth of Christ's atoning love. What I am slow to realize is that being His child means that when He seems far away, even when the distance comes from my wandering and spurning of His love, I am wont to be childlike -- I cry for Him when I don't see Him, and I hate the relational strain when I've grieved Him. What is more, I fail to realize that I am being taught something precious: the measure of His grace. This measure is not in direct proportion to my sin, great though that sin is; nay, the LORD's grace is as infinite and precious as the Son whom the Father sent to die. This grace, great though my sin may be, is far, far, far greater than all my sin. posted by Bolo | 7:05 PM 0 speakage Early Irony I'm up early enough for the sunrise most mornings, yet I don't take the time to really look at it and take it in. Hmmm...it seems that so much in life can easily become that way, especially the most important thing. posted by Bolo | 8:30 AM 0 speakage 10.02.2007 Thoughts If Stretch and Rev are my nephews, does that make the Sage my brother? From what I've heard, it seems that some Patty Griffin fans expect some sort of strange kindred-spiritedness with one another. How awkward. Did you know that Szrama is a naughty word? No, Stephen, she did not say, "Prease." The Ethiopia Sidamo has a much more syrupy body when the roast is kept on the lighter side. She told me not to post about it on here, but I forget what it was that I wasn't supposed to post on. Darn. You heard it here first: IBC members tall and short will soon hear Simon inform them of his soon-to-be-born brother, Oliver Spurgeon, by telling one and all, "His name is Olive!" Daddy Rev is going to be getting massive frequent-flyer miles this week. Oops, I just splashed burger juice on my monitor. My monitor, by the way, has a pink, capless highlighter standing on it. I seriously need to update my Blogging Buddies section. Mr. O'Neal pointed out an almost unheard of situation: two people, both known for eating everyone else's leftovers, were eating together yesterday, and one of them gave the other his leftovers. Stephen just asked me, whilst crushing soda cans at his desk, "John, do you want to take out some of your ethnic rage on these cans?" It's not fair for her to ask me about my nervousness, really it's not. 66, 42, 65, 46...thanks, Larue. posted by Bolo | 3:15 PM 1 speakage Linkage Just monkeying around, really. For all you shutterbugs out there. Yeah, the little dudes are kind of cute. But...why? The solution to the never-ending ethnic joke! My people are free! posted by Bolo | 9:08 AM 0 speakage 10.01.2007 Word 2 Timothy 2:1 You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. A quick thought: Is there anything more foreign to man than to be strong in something requiring such weakness, anything more freeing than knowing all that God requires, He provides, any gift more wonderful than that which I shall spend eternity praising? posted by Bolo | 9:26 PM 0 speakage Thoughts When I walked up to Athena and Candace yesterday, I couldn't help myself, really I couldn't...it was going to kill me if I didn't ask them, "What is this, the Battle of the Bulge?" Your older son was flustered, seriously flustered, Daddy Rev. I think Ben got off easy yesterday, and I think I should've been the one to ask something controversial. He would've liked that. There are few things more pleasurable in life than gooey-hot monkey bread. I have dry cereal and coffee in front of me on my desk. The potential for scalding my fingertips is fairly decent considering that I just mistook my coffee for my cereal and began to reach into my mug. Oops. Your younger son probably ain't so cool, calm, and collected either, Daddy Rev. Yesterday, I had a nice little flashback into the late 90's when my computer case was the cause of a bloody gash. Don't ask. I wish I had captured that on video, just like she wanted...right, Mr. Pie? posted by Bolo | 9:30 AM 2 speakage Imposing? Before I took out my camera, Jeesh was singing in the kitchen. Unfortunately, he stopped before I got the camera out. Instead, I got him doing...well...whatever he was doing. What a poser. posted by Bolo | 1:01 AM 2 speakage Dell Coupons |
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