Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


It's All Around

It's a wonderful morning outside. Regardless of whether or not I'm out there to enjoy it, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the waves are crashing.

Well, they're crashing somewhere.

The bible tells us that nature itself reveals the glory of God. Yesterday afternoon, residents of the 'Ville were witness to the power of God revealed in tornadoes, with one actually touching down fairly close to school. (Those who grew up in Kansas are laughing at us, but so be it.) My point this morning is a simple one: God's glory is revealed all around us, and to some degree, all of us can appreciate it. Yet, it is not unless one is in Christ that one can truly appreciate and rejoice in God's glory. Furthermore, when one is in Christ, one ought to appreciate and rejoice in God's glory all the more fully, being granted the very ability to see and the knowledge to comprehend what is displayed around us and in us and through us.

posted by Bolo | 9:17 AM
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