Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Tonight, I think of what Shuey and I discussed in a recent conversation. In it, he reminded me that desires that seem good can be idolatrous. That sounds obvious, but he painted that reality in sharp relief when he said that even a desire to live a holy life can be, horrifically enough, unholy.

I see it in my own heart. The LORD is good; the degree to which He went in order to make this clear to sinful man is stunning and scandalous. Over and over and over again in Scripture, God drives home the point that He Himself is our supreme satisfaction, our supreme desire. This is the heart of obedience, that we would cry out to God, "I want you, no matter what is taken away from me; I want to please you, no matter how difficult the task; I want to glorify you, no matter how shameful to me; I want to be satisfied in You and with You alone, for nothing else will." A heart like this is not easy to come by. In fact, there was only one Man that was able to do that, and that Man was God in the flesh.

The holiness that we are to show the world is found, first and foremost and thereafter, in Christ. I praise the LORD that it is His Son's Holy Spirit that is alive in me, and that it is His Son's obedience, not my own, that pleases the Father.

posted by Bolo | 11:35 PM
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