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Smeagol is Free! A hermitudinal view of...stuff... |
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![]() 1.31.2009 Whoa! January's over, isn't it? posted by Bolo | 11:59 PM 0 speakage Missin' It 0 speakage 25: 3 I once got into a fight. With the pavement. I tried to beat it up when I fell off the back of a car. A moving car, mind you. I gave the pavement a pretty bad beat-down, but I don't think it noticed. My face did, though. Don't try to hit the pavement with your face; your face doesn't do so well afterward. posted by Bolo | 11:26 AM 0 speakage 1.30.2009 25: 2 I listened to Steve Young's legendary run against the Vikings during a sermon. I had my Walkman tuned into the game on the radio and was a little perturbed that I couldn't watch the game until I got home. That run, if my memory serves me correctly, kept me happy enough to stay awake through the rest of the sermon. posted by Bolo | 11:46 PM 0 speakage Word Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. It's not that I value myself too much; it's that I value myself too little. Nor, for that matter, do I value myself rightly, unless it is in Christ that I rejoice at the splendor of what God has done in my heart. Has God done a poor work? No. Has God left me to fend for myself, to toil without fruit and without joy? No...no, not at all. I once told Andrew this, and I would do well to listen again. posted by Bolo | 6:22 PM 0 speakage QotM "I mean it has a flavor, but not a good one." -Lyle Mantooth, on...something posted by Bolo | 9:21 AM 0 speakage 1.29.2009 25: 1 Since "everybody" is doing those 25 things about themselves, I figured I'd go ahead and do it here. Well, kind of, since I'm going to do them one at a time, and quite possibly, one per day until I hit the required amount, or until I deem you, my readership, sufficiently bored with random things about me. Let's be honest, though: if you're still reading this, it's highly doubtful that a near-month's worth of random facts and figures about yours truly is going to bore you enough to drive you away, right? Yup. I thought so. Anyhow, without further ado or evidence of intellectual backsliding on my part, here goes... 1. Guilty pleasure music? Ain't no guilt here, but some would be ashamed to admit that they once listened to and still listen to Debbie Gibson, the Bee Gees, or Cheap Trick. For that matter, it could also be noted that I was listening to Shane & Shane, Indelible Grace, and Sandra McCracken before I moved a little over two hours north of Nashville. Of course, Athlete is coming out of the speakers right now, and I've no doubt that Newcomers Home, Sinatra, Ho'okena, Rob Zombie, David Mead, Na Leo, Smash Mouth, Miles Davis, Marilyn Manson, and Billy Joel all will, too, before my roasting session for the evening is over. posted by Bolo | 10:15 PM 1 speakage Cup of the Afternoon In the trusty Sunergos mug -- the latest addition to my line of lovely, faithful mugs from Sunergos -- is a brew of a well-rested, City roast of the wonderful dry-processed Ethiopia Idido Misty Valley. Strawberries and floral hints and a touch of cinnamon in the nose bursting out of a full, creamy body make this one of the most enjoyable cups I've had in a month or two. Yes, that good! posted by Bolo | 2:40 PM 2 speakage Word 1 Peter 5:5 You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. posted by Bolo | 8:39 AM 0 speakage 1.28.2009 A What? Three Ethiopians. A Rwandan. Two Kenyans. A Panamanian. A Guatemalan. One from El Salvador, too. One of those a Bourbon. One grades as an AA, one an AB. Most are wet-processed, one is just dry-processed, one is full-natural, and one is both wet and dry-processed. Follow? For good measure, one of those is also a...uh...yeah...it's a...well... ...a decaf. posted by Bolo | 8:59 PM 2 speakage Thoughts Who needs to put 25 random things on Facebook when a blog more than quenches that thirst for odd and awkward personal disclosure? I'm feeling like I want to crawl into a cave and hibernate. Snowball fight...c'mon, I'll take all targets...I sport a quick release, am accurate from third to first like nobody's business, and ain't afraid to take your best shots. Itching to roast, I am! I know I've not written anything of substance for quite some time now; it's not for lack of material, nor for lack of motivation, but for lack of motivation to publish my thoughts those materials, so to speak. If you're walking on the SBTS campus, watch out for falling limbs. "Sunergos Coffee, this is Kenny...yes, we're open for normal hours today." Thanks, Little Richard...you may have started growing up...then you'll be Big Richard. Okay, so maybe the 21st of February isn't quite so open as I thought it was...oops! Tree limbs, silly people, tree limbs. Still don't work at Sunergos. posted by Bolo | 5:57 PM 0 speakage Slushee It's a weeee bit nasty out there at the moment... posted by Bolo | 9:04 AM 2 speakage 1.27.2009 Silent Sounds VI 0 speakage Nix This Wintry Mix I hate snow. And sleet. And freezing rain, too. Wintry mix? Boo! posted by Bolo | 8:12 AM 0 speakage Keyboard Oopsie I freakin' spilled tea on my keyboard. What does that mean? It means, unedited, that this post would look like this: I fhryeakin' spilled tuea on my keyboaryd. Whatu does tuhatu mean? Itu means, utneditued, tfat tuhis postu woutld look like tuhis: posted by Bolo | 1:18 AM 0 speakage 1.26.2009 Linkage Fatherhood can be an interesting endeavor. Lighten up. For you, Moatsy. Seriously? Just call me Gabby, why don't you... posted by Bolo | 9:10 PM 0 speakage Math Class Seriously, Boss...30 out of 48?!?!?! posted by Bolo | 2:40 PM 1 speakage 1.25.2009 Knobby These are similar to the ones posted a little over a month ago. A little lighter, a little darker, I think. 0 speakage Quotes: SWFWDA After a somewhat long hiatus, the SWFWDA strikes again. As you can read for yourselves, she's in this for the long haul...whatever "this" is. "I think Lindsay plans to see if she can perpetuate the bouquet-magnet theory. You see, I've been hit with the bouquet at nearly every wedding I've been to. It has landed on my head, even in my dress." "If you still have a blog when I'm 80, I'll let you know what kind of compliments I'm getting from my nursing home boyfriend. I guess it's presumptuous of me to decide that I will have a nursing home boyfriend...men die off a lot faster. I imagine the competition will be fierce." "Hey, they've been known to stick around for a second year with no better reason than that. No one's been quite crazy enough to consider a lifetime subscription, though. Evidently, there are limits to the curiosity of men. I think it kicks in when they start considering the possibility that sticking around much longer could result in their child(ren) sharing fifty percent of my genetic code." "At this rate, I'm going to make a great second wife for someone." "I have to try to figure out what to wear to a birthday party when one wishes to appear presentable without playing into the birthday girl's desire to throw me at her brother...whom she has decided I will be marrying. Since I do not wish to have my marriage arranged, it would be best to blend into the wallpaper as thoroughly as possible I considered a really hideous sweatshirt, but that seemed like overkill. Hey, if people are going to try and fix me up without asking, that's fine...but I might be a bit uncooperative. I'm not going to sit under the table with my plate and eat with my hands or anything...but a bad fashion day could happen to anyone." posted by Bolo | 12:53 AM 0 speakage 1.24.2009 Koen: B & W 0 speakage 1.23.2009 Thoughts Lyle had a really awesome look on his face when he got that awesome hug from his awesome friend. I dig the fact that my play of POLITY helped seal the deal in that come-from-behind Scrabble match. I know, Boss, I know...the Surf Crew needs a reunion tour. When I really want to get a good whiff of that blueberry note in an Ethiopian, I do the near-heretical: I take several sips from a very different cup to create an astounding contrast, one that will really set that blueberry on its own. Temperatures in the fifties make me itch to chase some plastic. I know what Jeesh was doing at 2:47 this afternoon. I realized today that I even if I don't need the coffee, I begin to get restless and feel a need to roast if I've not roasted for a day or two. Tiny needs to watch that appetite; it can be dangerous. Yeah, that Payne totally heard me dissin' his team's bowl showing. A Yama and a Cona might be in the future of my kitchen...just because. I love that O'Neal kid. I realized something else today: I have a very, very, very strong series of thoughts concerning those conversations you've had with Chris, Young Butterworth. I miss 'em all, I do...Kayla, Kyle, Kason, Kavin, Koen, Zayney, Zayvin, and wittwe Makana. That SCAA thingamajig in April necessitates a road trip, boys. I don't care how old you are, there's no excuse for thinking Bon Jovi is singing, "Shot through the heart, and you're too late!" It's Friday, folks, and I'm done with the workin' week. Ethiopia Idido Misty Valley = chocolate-laced blueberry syrup. It takes a very special kind of individual to be able to forever taint burritos for Mrs. Sieg. I found it quite odd that at 12:30 in the morning, while chatting with her on Facebook, Maria asked me to ask her roommate, Amanda, if the two of them could meet for lunch the next day when Maria found out I'd recently been text-messaging with Amanda. posted by Bolo | 5:16 PM 1 speakage Roasting Report Four roasts, two each of a Guatemala Oriente dry-processed and an Ethiopia Idido Misty Valley dry-processed. Both Guatemala roasts went just into the second crack, but the profiles used were vastly different. The profiles were similar for the Ethiopian roasts, but one was dropped well past first crack while the other barely made it out of first crack. We'll see how they turn out! posted by Bolo | 8:08 AM 0 speakage 1.22.2009 Pocho & Da Odda Pocho My last Facebook post was written on Matthew Teves' wall. For those of you who do not know Mr. Teves, the only bit of information that is necessary in order to understand this post is that he is part Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Jewish. At least, that's what he says. Information that is also helpful is the fact that I've known him longer than anyone else I've known that's ever been associated with Southern Seminary, save Dave and Mon. With that in mind, here's the contents of my post: I realized after my last post on your wall that my verbosity in our mutual native dialect was not give proper usage nor display upon your personalized social networking medium. Therefore, I submit the following as a means by which we might reflect upon our ethnic and cultural similarities in momentary -- yet, quite possibly, lasting -- pleasure: Hooo cuz, bumbai you no stay I goin' da kine, brah, go make-A lai dat! Wen you no stay, no can tok fo' real, cuz, about da da kine, aunty's crack heel or junia girl's wana undah her you-know-whea. Kden, no get all batchi, k? K... posted by Bolo | 10:59 PM 0 speakage Word Ephesians 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory. In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation—having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory. For this reason I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which exists among you and your love for all the saints, do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. posted by Bolo | 8:53 AM 0 speakage 1.21.2009 For the Record In a little over 990 votes, I may well be officially considered a dork, but in no way shape or form can I ever truly be considered The King of Man-Pretty. Please note, however, that dinner might make me reconsider accepting that title... posted by Bolo | 4:17 PM 0 speakage Cup of the Morning Yup, it's the Guatemala Oriente dry-process. This roast was finished just at the end of the first crack, making it a City roast, and the lightest I'll ever take this bean. The cup still has loads of flavor, just as I've come to expect from this bean: a fruit that isn't fully ripe but still sweet, like a peach; a hint of cinnamon, just at the end; and a tiny touch of milk chocolate. The flavors rest on the tongue for a bit, but not for very long before they mellow and fade to a nice, pleasant aftertaste. The grind was a little finer than usual for a press pot, but only because I had wanted to bring out some of the darker bittersweet notes than I'd been getting in previous brews with this batch. The mouthfeel is rounded and full, which is another way in which this roast level differs from darker ones with this bean. The verdict? Delicious! posted by Bolo | 9:20 AM 0 speakage 1.20.2009 Scrabbled @Sunergos Two games of Scrabble, at Sunergos, at the same time. Heck yes! posted by Bolo | 10:05 PM 0 speakage Thoughts Now that she's married, I'm sorely tempted to change her entry in my phone from "JVizzle" to "JSizzle". Brown velvet: I dig. Yeah...you know what time it is, Little Richard! A coffee what, V-Neck? No matter what else can be said of her, I'll certainly give Michelle Obama a nod in acknowledging her fashionable eye. I've been on a Latin American roasting kick lately, and it's proven to be enjoyable and tasty. Awkward goodbyes are pretty freakin' awesome, aren't they, Moatsy? Catching up with old friends from high school can be a sobering reminder: I've been out of school for a decade. I like the fact that my date thinks I'm charming. Chase...plastic...must...do so. I think I pulled a Ricky on Ricky, and now I owe Ricky what I was holding for Ricky...dang. Esmeralda intimidated me, and I've no problem acknowledging that. Sorry, little buddy...I'll buy you your first beer. I highly doubt that's a stat that will be repeated. If Mr. Pie comes to Chicago toward the end of February, I'm thinking he may be able to see at least one coffee-crazed buddy from the Old Country. No matter how much I try, I still can't wrap my head around the security needed for today's festivities in Washington. Miss Emily Vaughn knows her alphabet...or, at the very least, the fifth and sixth letters. I could use fifty more degrees. Looks like I may have given Mrs. O enough incentive to convince Mr. O that he must see me. It's good to know my fingers and thumbs can still cause Michael such pleasurable pain. A little coffee for a little cheesecake is a fair trade in my book...pun incidental, not intended. It takes a special dude to score 17 the way Galyon did. Yeah, about that rainbow, Mr. Montgomery...you do that. Four weddings in eight days is a lot of weddings, even if you're a wedding crasher. I'll never think about the word "eject" in quite the same way again. Beans, I'm thinking we need to play Ted's game, whaddaya say? No, I don't work at Sunergos. posted by Bolo | 5:55 PM 2 speakage A Few of My Favorite Things I'm still wanting to sit for a whole week, just to read and write and roast...not having to speak at all. posted by Bolo | 8:14 AM 0 speakage 1.19.2009 In the Mug In the mug this afternoon is a Brazil Cachoeira Canario Bourbon roasted to a City+ roast level, which, in layman's terms, would be considered to be on the lighter side of medium. It's got a lot of sweetness to it, sort of bordering on the sweetness of tea, rather than coffee. I wouldn't call it delicate like I would call tea delicate, though. Overall, a wonderful cup! This morning featured a Honduras La Tortuga, also roasted to a City+. The Honduran bean was nice and sweet, with mellow fruits and a simple, balanced mouthfeel. Perhaps a touch of caramel, too, but I'm not sure. It was certainly delicious, no matter what else it may have been. posted by Bolo | 2:31 PM 0 speakage Almost There It's morning. Jesus, I am Resting is playing through the speakers, and I feel like I'm almost there with Matthew Smith as he sings the refrain, almost resting in Jesus. I suppose you could say I'm restless to rest. Morning has come, and my alarm clock has made its presence known. I slept on the couch last night, mostly for old times' sake, I think, so when I woke up, there was a sense of loss; not of sleep, but more of what's come and gone. I've wanted to sit and chat with 'Drew or Scott or Boss for some time now...just sit and chat...you know, like old times. Those times seemed simpler, you know? posted by Bolo | 7:45 AM 0 speakage 1.18.2009 QotD "John, when you were born, did the doctor take the cup of coffee out of your hand?" -Mr. Art posted by Bolo | 11:21 PM 0 speakage Pondering's Plentitude So many thoughts...such cold fingers... ...time to sleep... posted by Bolo | 12:51 AM 0 speakage 1.17.2009 Dark Light 0 speakage 1.16.2009 Linkage I've never been one for politics, but I have always been intrigued by the inner workings of the human mind and heart. This definitely qualifies. Props, Joel, mad props. I don't covet. Kinda. Maybe. I think. If Kavin and Koen ever become fascinated with fish, I'd hate to think they'd somehow try to imitate them. posted by Bolo | 12:56 PM 0 speakage Negativity It's -1°F. Negative one! But it "feels like" -12°F. This is, to employ words as my brother may or may not, retarded. Personally, I'm done with this frigidness. Do you realize how difficult it is to still be fashionable in this cold? Bah. posted by Bolo | 8:09 AM 2 speakage Rewind Holy monkey butt, this really was four years ago, wasn't it? Dang. Time flies, man, time flies. I think we still look relatively the same...not too shabby, eh? 3 speakage On Second Crack... Four roasts tonight, and not one of them African. Whoa...am I actually developing and maturing as a roaster? Naaaaaaah... posted by Bolo | 12:08 AM 0 speakage 1.15.2009 Being Bossy I find it extremely humorous that Facebook now declares me friends with Brian Cabreros. It's a bit late for all that... posted by Bolo | 10:08 PM 0 speakage Oh Gosh Single-digits...*brrr*... posted by Bolo | 9:10 PM 2 speakage F-Words When the guy on the morning radio says, "The high today will be maybe fourteen," you know it's freakin' frigid. When he goes on to say, "The overnight low will be one," you know it's gonna get really freakin' frigid. posted by Bolo | 8:09 AM 3 speakage Pau Hana Three roasts: Guatemala Oriente DP to Full City+; Guatemala Oriente DP to City, City+; and a Tanzania Blackburn Estate to City+. Time to sleep, kids. posted by Bolo | 12:50 AM 0 speakage 1.14.2009 Just Kidding! 0 speakage Cup of the Morning In the trusty mug is a Mexico Nayarit dry-processed bean, roasted last night to a finish just a minute or so after first crack. It's got loads of bittersweet chocolate to it, with a hint of fruit "around the edges," with more being revealed as it cools. There's a bit of a spiciness to it, too, which I'm coming to expect of a dry-processed bean from the Americas. Simply put, it's delicious. posted by Bolo | 9:22 AM 0 speakage 1.13.2009 Six Years Ago Six years ago, I was 23. The space shuttle Columbia was still operational, Facebook did not exist, and the Red Sox were still under the Curse. Six years ago, I'd still not yet experienced what was then the worst month of my life, had not yet met a certain brown and gray and white-haired young man, and had no reason to go to Pennsylvania for Christmas. The phrase, "Well, basically," held no significant meaning for me, and I had, as yet, no experiential understanding that skunks really did make people smell bad. Boss had not stayed in Japan yet, four more nephews were still to be born, and one more niece was still to be adopted. Six years ago, I had not roasted one single coffee bean, and had not yet heard one joke about how long I'd been at Boyce College. Six years ago was January 13, 2003, and it was my first day away from home. A lot has happened since then...a lot. posted by Bolo | 10:55 PM 3 speakage Peek-A-Boo 0 speakage Thoughts: Godward This morning, I woke up knowing one thing: I desperately wanted to be God's, and I really wanted to live like it. posted by Bolo | 7:46 AM 0 speakage 1.12.2009 Thoughts I love that Katie's Dad, as she put it, "Has been spontaneously bursting into laughter, and then getting re-embarrassed all over again." Peter introduces me to his friends and family like I'm his personal little show-and-tell Hawaiian. I told Moisan that so long as we didn't die, he was definitely the right driver driving the right vehicle that night. Missing the Surf Crew, big time. I really was slow-dancing with Derek, wasn't I? Peyton's fanny-pack was cute, and the ladies in the bar even said so. Like I told Scott and Em, some people make you sit up straighter when they walked into the room, but Leeman made you feel like you wanted to keep sitting up straight even after he was gone. Of us all, not one would have wagered that Biggzy would be the one to get hitched at the Olmsted. Volleyball or frisbee, soon. Yes, Mr. O'Neal, I still have to write that story, don't I? posted by Bolo | 5:42 PM 0 speakage By the Numbers Two days. One hour of hot chocolate with Lukey. One wedding ceremony at West End Baptist church for Christin and Erik. One wedding reception at Highview East for Lauren and...Sean. One birthday dinner at Sapporo. Five guys riding around on a late-night birthday scavenger hunt. Many scavenger hunt pit-stops. One phone call to Kiddo to acquire most of the scavenger hunt goods. Zero red lights ran. Multiple episodes of J-walking. One dinner to be prepared by the ladies. One sermon by J. Ryan Fullerton. One lunch with the O'Neals. Numerous moments of laughter because of Biggz. Many cups of delicious coffee. One tired John Letoto. What a weekend... posted by Bolo | 12:14 AM 0 speakage 1.11.2009 Little Lukey Looneyness Lukey and I spent a bit of the day causing some mild-mannered mayhem at Sunergos. Brooks hooked up the little dude with a delicious hot chocolate, which he put away with gusto and no great regard for neatness. Aaahhh, to be young again! 3 speakage 1.10.2009 Ground Zero There's nothing really spectacular to this video's contents. We happened to get a little turned around while trying to get to the Holland Tunnel, and as we passed by for the second time, I took out the camera and took this footage. I still remember, quite vividly, Rob calling at four-something in the morning Hawai'i time, telling me to turn on the TV. I remember thinking we'd been hacked again, and that that meant that I'd have to drag my butt into the office and deal with whatever it was we would have to deal with. I remember asking him what channel I had to tune into, and him telling me that it didn't matter. I remember seeing the buildings, and the smoke, and then watching as they updated the world and told us that the world as we knew it was crumbling, going to hell in a hand basket, just like those towers. Sadly, many people have far worse memories of that day. posted by Bolo | 10:52 AM 0 speakage 1.09.2009 Whoppered If they let you get more than one freebie, I'd be able to score a hundred and fifty free whoppers. Hmmmm...too bad they don't... posted by Bolo | 12:03 PM 0 speakage Silent Sounds V 0 speakage 1.08.2009 Cup of the Afternoon Oh gosh. The near-legendary dry-processed Ethiopia Koratie is reminding me why the heck in the world it saddened me so greatly when Tom no longer had it listed as in-stock. And goodness, what sadness that warranted! Fruit, loads and loads of fruit, hints of floral notes, like a veritable fruit cocktail in light syrup! Wow. Yeah...that's it...wow. posted by Bolo | 3:00 PM 2 speakage Thoughts I really, finally, get to meet Noah in a month. Those bite-sized Frosted Mini-Wheats are on the desk, Mr. V-Neck "Beans" Youngblood, and they're soon to be in the mouth. I forgot about that whole "Sojourn women" comment...apparently, Audra hasn't. I can tell it's definitely time to shave my head when I can see the white hairs shining in the light when I look in the mirror. Szrama really did say that his brother bought a life-sized cutout of Princess Leah, didn't he? Don't worry, Kandt, I'd never make a twenty-game bet with you like I have going with Moisan. It's terrible to realize that no matter how awesome the beans, how awesome the roasts, or how awesome the brews, I can still get bored with a stellar coffee if there's no variation tossed in there. Gotta love -- and mildly, instinctively cringe at -- Crowther's statement: "Arizona Green Tea...where Asians and Native Americans collide." I'm incredibly grateful for that little chat Ryan and I had...one month later, it's still rocking me in the face. When Doublevee claims that something is, "better than food at Young's," you know he isn't fooling around. Emily Joy's little comment to Eric was undeniably awkward, awkward, awkward...but eerily implausible, and therefore, hilarious! She really was ahead with what couldn't have been more than ten tiles left in the bag. Can we dub thee, "Kiddo the Sailor"? posted by Bolo | 1:28 PM 1 speakage Charcoal, Anyone? I wish I were making this up, but I'm not: We're passionate about the way we roast our coffee. We call our roast the Starbucks Roast®. It's more than a color: it is the cumulative, positive, and dramatic result of roasting each coffee in a unique way, helping each one reach its maximum flavor. The color can be duplicated -- but the taste cannot. The coffee bean begins its life as the prize inside a bright red coffee cherry. It takes about five years before a coffee tree produces a harvestable crop of cherries, and each tree only produces the equivalent of a pound of roasted beans per year. To prepare the pebble-like green coffee beans for roasting, growers process them using either the natural or the washed method. Through the natural method, ripe coffee cherries are allowed to dry on the tree or on the ground before the beans are removed by hulling. Through the washed method, the beans are immediately separated from the cherries, submerged in a vat of water, and then dried on large patios or with modern equipment. Green coffee beans are heated in a large rotating drum, then their transformation begins. After about 5 to 7 minutes of intense heat, much of their moisture evaporates. The beans turn a yellow color and smell a little like popcorn. After about 8 minutes in the roaster, the "first pop" occurs. The beans double in size, crackling as they expand. They are now light brown. Very sour one-dimensional flavor notes are dominant, while more complex coffee flavors haven't yet developed. After 10-11 minutes in the roaster, the beans reach an even brown color, and oil starts to appear on the surface of the bean. At this roasting time (different for each coffee, but usually somewhere between 11 and 15 minutes), the full flavor potential begins to develop in the beans, bringing all of their attributes into balance. The "second pop" signals that the coffee is almost ready. The moment that the coffee is released into the cooling tray is a memorable one. The smell of freshly roasted coffee fills the air, along with the sound of applause created by the final clapping of the "second pop." That's what gives you the ash, Mr. Mikami... posted by Bolo | 7:44 AM 8 speakage 1.07.2009 Like Pringles! Jess shimmies for the world...and what a shimmy it is! Okay, not really, but it's apparently pretty unique to her...probably a good thing... posted by Bolo | 10:33 PM 0 speakage She Said What? Since the Kiddo has repeatedly made known the fact that she holds a great deal of angst against me for not having quoted her on my wall, I figure it was high time that I post this compilation here for all to see. Note that it is still not on my wall, but in a post. Hah! "Oh believe me...I have blueberries coming out of my pores. My whole room smells like 'em. Just ask my ladies; they'll tell you that I am beginning to take on a bluish tint. I am Madame Blueberry (yes, that is a Veggie Tales reference)." "I do not drool. I have never drooled. I do not anticipate a drooling trend to ensue simply due to my singed taste buds." "*&$% #@$% *&%$, leave the *&%$ing e's alone." "It will be at least a week before I will be able to eat sushi. I'm so depressed. I think I am going to go throw some furniture out my window." "I have neither made your quote wall, nor been alluded to (at the very least) in a blog. And for that, I am eternally depressed. Farewell, Johnny." "Well, if I had known that I needed to use profanity to finally get on your quote wall, I would have started swearing a long time ago..." "You are the only person that can exploit my family and get away with it." "Well, at least we are in agreement about something. I hate coffee. Can't stand it. Ummm...but seriously, can I come by tomorrow for coffee?" "I mean, when two home-schoolers try to give each other a high-five it's bound to happen." "I think that very well might be the closest any one has ever come to swearing on my wall. Next time, just go for it. I can take any four-letter word you dish out." "Let the record show that I did not tell you to 'do coke,' but to simply drink a Coke." "I don't drool. How many times do I have to say this?" "Well, the record also shows that you never quote Katie Vaughn on your infamous wall of quotes. So don't get my hopes up." posted by Bolo | 2:50 PM 2 speakage Guess What? It's morning. Yup. posted by Bolo | 8:11 AM 0 speakage 1.06.2009 Random 0 speakage Thoughts: Godward Some mornings, I have to remind myself that I get to live in Christ...mostly because almost every day, I feel crushed by the weight that I have to live in Christ. The ability and freedom to live in a manner worthy of the gospel is only there because Christ has already granted it to us; we are, in every way possible, already and always worthy to live a life worthy of the gospel. Still...it seems so hard to do, doesn't it? posted by Bolo | 9:45 AM 0 speakage Miss 'Em 2 speakage 1.05.2009 Crazy Conversing Peter: "It's happening, Toto." Me: "What is?" Peter: "I'm starting to like black coffee. Every time you make some, I have a bit of it black and then pour the chocolate into the rest of it to compare...I might like the black more...I can't tell yet." Me: "Hahahaha!" Peter: "You've ruined me." Me: "Yes!!! I'm blogging this." posted by Bolo | 1:50 PM 2 speakage Cup of the Morning In the cup this morning is a full-bodied press of the delicious Guatemala Oriente dry-process, roasted about three and a half days ago to about halfway between first and second crack. The beans themselves showed some oil after a few days of rest, and I've no doubt that the rest gave the brew some nice mellowing and melding effects, both for the body and the flavors. Speaking of flavors, this definitely tastes like I'm expecting: chocolates and fruit, with some baking spices and licorice hints tossed in, all suspended in a silky body. It's a delightful way to greet the work week. posted by Bolo | 9:36 AM 0 speakage 1.04.2009 You Will Feel Dumber II Yes, there really is another video. Yes, it is another three minutes of your life you will likely consider wasted. And yes, it is entirely possible you will still laugh and find that you secretly want to watch more. Or not. posted by Bolo | 10:38 PM 0 speakage Thoughts: Christmas in PA For the record, a Zassenhaus Turkish Hand Mill looks like a pretty suspicious object when going through the security screening checkpoint at the airport. Seriously, how many members of Immanuel Baptist Church, Sojourn Community Church, and the Louisville Ultimate Frisbee Association were at SDF on Tuesday? Okay, maybe it was Tommy Kinnaird II, not Tommy Kinnaird. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that whole sin-cross-grace-glory thing. That old dude in McDonald's was straight outta the 50's, no lie. I doubt I'll ever forget the whole, "I thought there was no way you didn't know, but then when I thought about it, I couldn't remember telling you," thing. Greetings, Gizmo! Two hours on the 422, a mere two exits away, without being able to move an inch, only cements my claim that 'Drew and I could be stuck virtually anywhere together and still treat it like a chat at the kitchen table. Hehe...the bottle. Udon! Yeah, we found Tokyo in New Jersey. Da buggahs was 'ono! Seriously, ten bucks for that? Toro...oh, the toro! Is it terrible that the entire time we were there, I kept commenting on how jealous Rev would be? Go Irish! Speaking of commenting, there's nothing like Letoto and Uchida going at it on Facebook, tandem-style, especially when the big-headed Korean kids and their mom are around to respond. Can't forget Meat Jhun, either! Darius was in Lion King, wasn't he? Maybe I'm a little too smugly satisfied with myself, but I did manage to make 'em change the rules by game domination. Leah has boogers, and now the world has seen them. It's good to know that Nick Crouse is still Nick Crouse. It's 'cause you're too busy, Maile! Glad the mug was put to immediate use. Yup, I said I would wear it, and now I do. I have a feeling we'll be having many more conversations about church like that, brother...many more. That oil just sticks to you. I think my skin felt a little darker after giving directions to Mangela. Yup, those waves were just sick. How 'bout them apples? Just to be clear, the roads in New Jersey and New York are in no way kind to a rather full bladder. An Apple Store on every corner, eh? Stumptown's Hairfreakin'bender Blend...oh my...gotta love what the folks at Ninth Street do with it. I definitely was not grumpy when leaving Grumpy. Jack's wins on ambiance, even if it was teeny bit tiny. Getting a table at Joe's wasn't too difficult after all. Man, I could go back to Gimme! and talk to them for hours, I'm sure of it. It's always a little strange being the John, but I'll take it if that means I get to meet awesome people. Nothing like a little football in PA, right? *Whew*...I'm glad I made it onto that flight...in First-Class, no less! posted by Bolo | 5:40 PM 1 speakage 1.03.2009 Zippy 0 speakage Socially Speaking Mmm...so delicious... posted by Bolo | 6:51 PM 0 speakage Silent Sounds IV 0 speakage 1.02.2009 You Will Feel Dumber Three minutes of video. A hundred and eighty seconds of motion picture and sound. In all likelihood, watching this will make you go, "Why in the world did he record this?" It may even cause some of you to ask, "Did they seriously do this?" For a handful of you, the answer that eludes you most will not actually be, "Why am I watching this?" but, "Why am I laughing at this?" posted by Bolo | 3:52 PM 0 speakage Sermonizing "Sometimes in our own day and age we have to emphasize that people can't just have Him as Savior, they have to have Him as Lord, too. Well, you can't just have Him as Lord, you gotta have Him at your feet. It's not enough just to be willing to be at His feet, you have to be willing to be served by God. Nothing crushes the pride better than being served by God." -Ryan Fullerton, 06.11.06 posted by Bolo | 11:36 AM 0 speakage Logy I can't make this stuff up! 0 speakage 1.01.2009 2008: Reviewed Another year has come and gone. Before it's entirely gone, though, I figured I'd take a look back...mostly so that I can reflect and remember, but maybe because you'd like to, too. All Scrabbled Up Hymnal Archived Word V-Ballin' It Quotable Because I'm... Care Group, Care! Restless Resting Oops! Amazing! Hint, Hint Today Vocabulary Lessons Dinner With Worley RickRolled 'Ohana Thoughts: Homeage @Coco's One For the Guys The Worm...Really Oh, Canada! Fifth Wheel God As Father Stuff About Me Absurdities SaEMtOaCMGATLFaFD MegaDoLishUs: Oh, Snap! Conversant Cabreros Sunny Side Facebook Friendliness Many Meetings Word Coffee Crazed This Name is No Game Twenty-Seven's Fourth What Was Written Oh, What a Night! Do Work, Son Nostalgia Quotes: SWFWDA Cake Eater And Your Mom Relationally Speaking: A Story Role Reversal Fifty-Fifty Simple Mugged Six Years Later What Uncle Johnny Drinks Ala's Sweet Suitable Word V-Neckin': Catch Up to That! Koen: B & W The Keebler Party Set Doorknob Legendary! PA Jesus' Work NYC Coffee posted by Bolo | 10:52 PM 0 speakage NYC Coffee: Ninth Street Espresso My boy Weston explains a little something about Ninth Street Espresso. The espresso I had there was simply outstanding, a veritable cornucopia of caffeinated goodness that quite possibly surpassed any other liquid I've ever put into my mouth. Perhaps the highest praise I can offer is to say I'd be proud to offer that myself. posted by Bolo | 4:16 PM 0 speakage Haunted I'm telling you, it's in my head. I keep thinking about it. Yup. I do. 0 speakage Oh Nine Happy New Year, folks :) posted by Bolo | 12:51 AM 0 speakage Dell Coupons |
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