Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



We were almost at the end of the Scrabble game, and Emil was down by a bunch. He decided that the only way he could possibly come back was to use up all seven of his tiles at once, thus getting the fifty-point bonus. The problem with that? Well, let's just say that his outlook wasn't entirely realistic, as the list of desperation words included: tigadope; diotegap; dietogap; and dogatipe. Look 'em up all you want, but you won't find them in any respectable dictionary. I won't detail what the final score was, but suffice it to say, I was greatly amused. Until next time, Scrabble on!

posted by Bolo | 12:59 AM
1 speakage


For Gary, Kev, 'Drew, and all you oddah buggahs who would be tempted to drool: check this out.

posted by Bolo | 12:45 AM
1 speakage



I'm playing Scrabble with Emil as I type out this post. This is the second game for us tonight, the first being played in Heine Brothers on Frankfort until they closed for the evening. The day as a whole was enjoyable, most likely because it was filled with little things that made the day worthwhile.

Earlier, I hit the volleyball around with Patrick. Since the gym closed early for Parents' Night out, we couldn't get a game together like we'd planned to, so the two of us just peppered a little until we were bent over at our waists, sucking wind and sweating like two old guys hitting a volleyball around.

Yeah, baby, I just formed three words in one fell placement. Twenty-three points. Sweet.

Had a good conversation with that other ethnically minor John earlier this evening. I'm somewhat inclined to blog the contents of that rather lengthy dialogue, but I don't think that I will. Suffice it to say that it's got me thinking and re-thinking some things...and...well...we'll see.

Emil's stuck. He just said, "I don't know." Hah. He's gonna bust a blood vessel soon.

Uh-oh. He just called me Big Boy. I don't know what that means, but it sounded somewhat strange. Hmmm...

posted by Bolo | 11:55 PM
0 speakage



Frisbee at Waterfront, 4 and 9 PM. Go to it, kids.

posted by Bolo | 2:51 PM
1 speakage



The Ryherds might be coming into town tomorrow morning. Sweet. As I was eating grapes the other day, I thought to myself, "4023." The J-Bowl should look lovely by the middle of May. For married women looking to bear children, apply for secretarial positions at Southern Seminary's Admissions office. Na promotions just got kicked up a notch on campus; check the Towers to see. Chatted with Mr. Mikami the other night, the first time since...oh...I don't know. Speaking of which, I haven't actually talked with Boss or 'Drew since...oh boy...a significantly paler moment in my skin's history.

posted by Bolo | 5:25 PM
1 speakage


Why We're Saved

Today's chapel was one that has been much anticipated. Dr. John Piper preached to us, the students, staff, and faculty of Southern Seminary and Boyce College, and many others, from 2 Corinthians. As I pondered the implications of the word he preached to us, I was reminded of Paul's writing to the Ephesians. In that letter, Paul tells his readers that God "predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace." Later, he also says that God "raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."

We were saved to praise the glory of His grace, and in the ages to come, that grace will be shown to us as being surpassingly rich. Said differently, the grace, the very reason for which we praise Him, will be revealed to us more and more and more forever, which means that we'll never lack for a reason to praise Him.


But what of right now? Yes, even now. The joy of faith that Dr. Piper spoke of was not a joy that will be experienced only in heaven. Rather, it is a joy that has begun even now, even in this world of sin and shame, a world fraught with humanity's sad and tragic plight, a veritable blight on God's glorious creation. The joy of faith spoken of is a joy that causes me to ask, "Is God really that good? Is His mercy really true?" I wonder and I doubt because I find so often that my joy is a bitter facade, a fleeting emotion based not on Christ's mercy, but on how I think I feel.

As I thought about God's mercy, His grace to us in Christ, I realized anew that if there's ever any reason for me to smile, ever any reason for me to be happy, ever any reason to even look forward to my next breath, it is because of God's mercy toward me in His beloved Son. That and that alone is why I wake in the morning, why I desire breath, why I desire life, and why I do not fear death. It is why I will, forevermore, praise Him to the glory of His grace.

posted by Bolo | 2:36 PM
2 speakage


Boyce Baboozes

posted by Bolo | 7:57 PM
3 speakage


1 Chronicles 17:16 - 27
Then David the king went in and sat before the LORD and said, "Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house that You have brought me this far? This was a small thing in Your eyes, O God; but You have spoken of Your servant's house for a great while to come and have regarded me according to the standard of a man of high degree, O LORD God. What more can David still say to You concerning the honor bestowed on Your servant? For You know Your servant. O LORD, for Your servant's sake, and according to Your own heart, You have wrought all this greatness, to make known all these great things. O LORD, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. And what one nation in the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people, to make You a name by great and terrible things, in driving out nations from before your people, whom You redeemed out of Egypt? For Your people Israel You made Your own people forever, and You, O LORD, became their God. Now, O LORD, let the word that You have spoken concerning Your servant and concerning his house be established forever, and do as You have spoken. Let Your name be established and magnified forever, saying, 'The LORD of hosts is the God of Israel, even a God to Israel; and the house of David Your servant is established before You.' For You, O my God, have revealed to Your servant that You will build for him a house; therefore Your servant has found courage to pray before You. Now, O LORD, You are God, and have promised this good thing to Your servant. And now it has pleased You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue before You; for You, O LORD, have blessed, and it is blessed forever."

Two quick observations. One, David is incredibly grateful. This reflects his clear and true apprehension and comprehension of who God is and how He is communicating Himself to His people. Accordingly, David exults in his God in this prayer, recognizing that God is merciful, humble, sovereign, short, David is exulting truly in the LORD! Two, this house that David speaks of, a house that the LORD Himself has established, is a house that I myself am a part of. This house is large, and it is blessed, for it exists forever, and for God's own glory, established by His own hand.

posted by Bolo | 10:43 AM
1 speakage


Do the Dew

I dig this picture kind of a lot. I think it's because of all the dew on the grass. If you click on the picture and check out the large version, the detail of some of the water droplets on the grass is pretty cool.

posted by Bolo | 9:47 PM
1 speakage

Ambassadorial Appeal

posted by Bolo | 9:53 AM
0 speakage

Guys Night

I freely admit it: Emil was Vibing.

posted by Bolo | 1:07 AM
0 speakage



Desktop Tower Defense! Heck yeah!

Hahahahahahaha!!! "Sweet balut, sweet balut..."

Yeah, you know some people take this stuff way too seriously. After all, everyone knows that Eru would pretty much dominate.

Send me a message. I know you want to :)

Social awkwardness just got organized.

posted by Bolo | 6:25 PM
0 speakage

Rapscallion Reflection

Know what I'm thinking? It's a Jack kind of afternoon. Even though I don't think I qualify for the title character in A Pirate Looks at Forty, if he wrote a song entitled A Rascal Looks at Thirty, I'd be all over it.

posted by Bolo | 5:49 PM
0 speakage


posted by Bolo | 8:24 AM
2 speakage


Barry Manilow's Mandy may be about a dog, but Weekend in New England isn't. That sort of reminds me of how Kalapana's Juliette is about a clock radio. Pulling off Nick Crouse's name tag is one of my new hobbies. I can't believe Dr. Mohler let me hold that thing...amazing! That pair of shoes would officially be classified as driving loafers, thank you very much. Yes, I listen to Barry Manilow. Ten bucks says that Scott Davis will say something to poke fun at me in his presentation tomorrow; I think that's one of his new hobbies. My brother's now 34. When he turned 30, it was a little more fun to poke fun at him, 'cause I was still...well...younger than he was. But now, his turning 34 only reminds me that I'm going to be coming face to face with 30 soon. 30!!! Goodness gracious, where did the time go? Speaking of brothers, who knew that Rev's sister could play frisbee like that? There's nothing quite like Sinatra to make you feel like a classy guy as you untie your tie or undo your cuff links.

posted by Bolo | 12:45 AM
3 speakage



Well, day one of Preview Weekend is done. I'm grateful it's done, too, very grateful, 'cause I'm worn out, tired, and very much in need of rest. Lots and lots of rest. Unfortunately, I won't get it in plenty until sometime tomorrow evening. Oh well, that's what we're here for, right?

posted by Bolo | 11:54 PM
0 speakage

It's Here

Preview Weekend is here. I'm awake. I'm almost out the door. *Yawn*.

posted by Bolo | 7:02 AM
0 speakage


Midnight Madness

So it's nearly midnight. That means two things: Preview Weekend is just about here, and I have one minute to call my brother and wish him a happy birthday.

posted by Bolo | 11:59 PM
0 speakage

Recent Retinal Recognition

posted by Bolo | 10:02 AM
0 speakage


Bobby's Booboo From the Booty

Never thought I'd see the day when I'd get a confession like this on video. Then again, it is me we're talking about...

posted by Bolo | 10:25 PM
2 speakage

No Duckling

I often find that I feel like the ugly duckling. The ugly duckling, as the tale goes, was quite distraught that he did not look like all of the other ducklings. He was mocked, scorned, and made to feel left out. It was not until a bevy of swans told him otherwise that the ugly duckling realized that he was not a duck at all, but a swan.

The life of the Christian is often similar. I forget what I am, and why I am what I am: a child of God; one counted as righteous in the sight of the holy judge; one in whom God delights; one who has been bought with precious blood, the precious blood of the Lamb of God; one in whom the Father cannot help but see the glory of His Son; a sinner saved by grace; one who longs for the day when he will see his Savior, the Savior that longs for the same; one whom God has redeemed to walk in righteous works, works that He has prepared beforehand; one sealed with the Holy Spirit; a sinner who still longs to be finally and fully free of sin.

Please realize that when I speak of feeling like an ugly duckling, I'm not making some sort of vain analogy. My point is that I'm saturated in an environment that tells me I'm something I'm not, and while I am a new creation in Christ, it's very, very, very easy for me to forget the truth. It's very, very, very easy for me to live as though Christ never died, and to forget the beautiful redemption that is mine in Him. The bible tells us that the Holy Spirit grieves over our sin; I can only begin to imagine the sorrow the infinite and almighty God that has loved me from all eternity feels over the slightest turning away of my heart from His passionate grace.

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the LORD, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.

posted by Bolo | 5:49 PM
0 speakage


My niece had her first birthday party this weekend. All of her cousins on her mommy's side were there, too. Unfortunately, her Uncle Johnny wasn't :/ Man, I tell you...those little rugrats sure do grow quickly!

posted by Bolo | 8:05 AM
3 speakage


Smytheman Speaks

There are several reasons why I love Rob Smythe. This isn't necessarily one of them.

posted by Bolo | 11:23 PM
0 speakage

Lookin' Up

posted by Bolo | 11:49 AM
0 speakage


Ok. This stinks. Just wrote out a long post, then Firefox decided to crash. That little "recover post" thing did absolutely nothing for me.


posted by Bolo | 1:17 AM
1 speakage


Acquisitional Accounting

Free food is awesome. The list of freely and graciously given sustenance for the day includes: a tuna sandwich from Founders', a bottle of Powerade, two one serving thingies of cereal, a pint of milk, several fries from whatshisface in the cafeteria, a bowl of some sort of microwaveable ramen noodles, most of Stirsman's leftover ice cream, and two cookies from Connie Vanderpool by way of Doug Thorpe. Oh, can't forget the cookie from Simpson, either. I tell you...few things make me happy the way free food will. Nothing to go totally nuts over, but still, it's the small ways that God provides that make me happy about the big things.

posted by Bolo | 11:42 PM
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Objectively Speaking

posted by Bolo | 12:03 PM
0 speakage



Becoming a member at IBC can involve covenantal blood; just ask Ashlea. Despite what Douglas thinks, it was not "eight or nine," merely two. I think that the Scrabble league I mentioned at the beginning of the school year would be wonderful through the summer. If I had a million dollars, I wouldn't buy a new car, I'd buy more surf stickers to go on my old Camry. I think the next two weeks' sermons will be quite interesting, and I really would not have to want to stand and be...uhhh...singled out. For some reason, we were talking about balut tonight while playing Scrabble. Of course, that made me think about the song, Sweet Balut.

posted by Bolo | 11:58 PM
3 speakage


You know you're suffering from some sort of mental instability when, upon seeing I-64 on the returning leg of a road trip, you exclaim aloud your affection for the long-missed stretch of road, an affection seemingly borne of many hours spent driving, driving, and driving, but actually indicating mental instability of some nature. This can be confirmed when, upon seeing the "Welcome to Kentucky" sign while entering the Bluegrass State on I-64, you launch into a similarly jubilant expression evoking your nearly inexpressible joy upon returning to the state of your residence. Of course, I'm not saying that I actually suffered from such an instability! I was, after all, merely observing that that instability must be the cause for such an abnormal affection. Yup. Just making an observation.

Mr. Mikami. Since you last updated your blog, the following has happened: I've been in five different states, was a mere two miles or so from a sixth, met my niece, saw the Atlantic Ocean, saw Dan DeWitt three times (which is a lot), endured weather ranging from somewhere near zero all the way to the wonderful eighties, had Jon Field call me without prior provocation from me, got Scott into some sort of trouble with Emily at least ten times, and even acquired another nickname. Perhaps most telling, however, is the fact that our beloved Mr. Uchida has updated his blog eight times since your last post. Just thought you might want to know.

posted by Bolo | 9:40 AM
0 speakage

Scrabbled & Checkmated at Sunergos

Butterworth the Younger had, among other stings, a come-from-behind Scrabble victory placed into his lap. This came on the heels of Michael's comment, "I get my vocabulary words from the President's speeches." Is he referring to Dubya or to Dr. M? One wonders, especially after he started out the game with his first word being particularly...oh...astounding. Twice, in fact. I, on the other hand, while not obtaining satisfaction in Scrabble, felt the sweet thrill of an unlikely but swiftly orchestrated checkmate at young Joel's expense. Aaahhh, good times at Sunergos.

posted by Bolo | 1:53 AM
2 speakage



Alas and did my savior bleed
And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I?

Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, Thine—
And bathed in its own blood—
While the firm mark of wrath divine,
His Soul in anguish stood.

Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!

Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature’s sin.

Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.

But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give my self away
’Tis all that I can do.

It's been 300 years since Isaac Watts gave the world those words. I find it nothing short of amazing grace that I, another mere worm, should be able to read those words these centuries later and hear the knell of Christ's death ring true yet again: "Well might the sun in darkness hide and shut his glories in, when Christ, the mighty Maker died, for man the creature’s sin. Thus might I hide my blushing face while His dear cross appears, dissolve my heart in thankfulness, and melt my eyes to tears." Far too often I find myself unblushing, thankless, and tearless before my Lord, my Savior. Far too often, I seek some other solution to my sin, finding my affection for my Savior lacking. Yet, it is not that He is lacking in salvation, but that I lack in seeking such a wonderful sufficiency in Him! What else could I possibly want, that I do not already have? What else could I possibly desire, that He has not promised? What else could I hope in, that He has not already fulfilled or will fulfill? And why all of this? Because He loved me, and died for me.

posted by Bolo | 4:56 PM
0 speakage


Makana's Meandering

My cute little niece has seen fit to jaunt toward the extreme ends of the her country, going from Arizona all the way to visit her daddy's family in New England. It's a tad bit colder than she's used to, but I think her daddy was a little excited to make the trip. Want proof? See below. Of course, that's not to say that mommy's family is left out of the equation, either, as they're going to be celebrating Makana's first birthday this time tomorrow in Hawai'i. Cool beans.

posted by Bolo | 10:45 PM
3 speakage
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