Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



If Stretch and Rev are my nephews, does that make the Sage my brother? From what I've heard, it seems that some Patty Griffin fans expect some sort of strange kindred-spiritedness with one another. How awkward. Did you know that Szrama is a naughty word? No, Stephen, she did not say, "Prease." The Ethiopia Sidamo has a much more syrupy body when the roast is kept on the lighter side. She told me not to post about it on here, but I forget what it was that I wasn't supposed to post on. Darn. You heard it here first: IBC members tall and short will soon hear Simon inform them of his soon-to-be-born brother, Oliver Spurgeon, by telling one and all, "His name is Olive!" Daddy Rev is going to be getting massive frequent-flyer miles this week. Oops, I just splashed burger juice on my monitor. My monitor, by the way, has a pink, capless highlighter standing on it. I seriously need to update my Blogging Buddies section. Mr. O'Neal pointed out an almost unheard of situation: two people, both known for eating everyone else's leftovers, were eating together yesterday, and one of them gave the other his leftovers. Stephen just asked me, whilst crushing soda cans at his desk, "John, do you want to take out some of your ethnic rage on these cans?" It's not fair for her to ask me about my nervousness, really it's not. 66, 42, 65, 46...thanks, Larue.

posted by Bolo | 3:15 PM
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