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Smeagol is Free! A hermitudinal view of...stuff... |
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![]() 12.31.2005 Countdown 7... posted by Bolo | 12:44 AM 0 speakage 12.30.2005 Countdown 8... posted by Bolo | 4:12 AM 0 speakage 12.29.2005 Handy Man Billy Reddick has the biggest hands of any single person I know, and this picture demonstrates just how humongous those things are. That's my hand in front of his hand, with the bottom of our palms lined up. Yup...Billy's special. ![]() 1 speakage Countdown 9... posted by Bolo | 1:16 AM 0 speakage 12.28.2005 Headlines The Boyce College Scandalous Press Jon Tollefson has supposedly hired Professor Jeremy Pierre for reasons and purposes that are yet undisclosed. Readers of his Xanga blog, however, were rumored to have been behind the pairing. Paul Butterworth of American Pie fame (no, not that American Pie!) has been spotted changing his tune. How so? He's reportedly reforming his ways by indulding himself in high hedonistic fashion, shopping at ridiculously priced clothiers such as J. Crew and Banana Republic. What's next on his agenda? Michael Butterworth is staging a protest against the Overindulgence of Scripture, and he has been said to have been in cahoots with Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (D) on the issue. Butterworth the Older even overheard Butterworth the Younger saying, "We don't want a lot of Scripture to bog us down!" Speaking of Arizona, Ms. Allison Poplin was recently spotted in her home state. That should not be taken out of the ordinary, save for the fact that when she was spotted, she was wearing layers and layers of winter clothing. To be precise, included in her articles of "gay apparel" were three scarves, two pairs of ear muffs, three sweaters, two hoodies, and shearling boots. All this despite the soaring temperatures and freefalling perspiration. Ms. Poplin has also been reported to have been impersonating her schoolmates, both male and female. Why the strange behavior? One can only speculate that she misses the fickle yet frigid weather of the Ohio River Valley, and yearns for the presence of her fellow Boyce College schoolmates. Perhaps she is merely displaying the effect that one semester at Boyce College will have upon a young lady. Kristen Marra continues her insomniac's ways, only this time she has set out to do so in anti-semitic fashion. Yes, Boyce College's crazy cat-eyed Jon Borofsky has been lured into Ms. Marra's nocturnal ways and was rumored to have striven with her for the starring role in Paul McNeil's independent thriller, Sleepless in Seminary. Our poor Jew (or as Cartman renders it, "Joo") was suckered into the pointless contest by Ms. Marra, whose shady activities will hopefully and prayerfully find an end. posted by Bolo | 4:11 PM 0 speakage Countdown 10... posted by Bolo | 1:21 AM 1 speakage 12.27.2005 Oh, Brother I have a brother. A few say that we look alike. Most say we look nothing alike. I stand at a diminutive but intimidating 5' 6", while he cruises at a self-assured 6' even. My features pull toward the Filipino blood that everyone claims we have but most undeniably do not; his features lean more toward the Japanese blood that our parents have abundantly supplied us with. My skin gets so dark my brother claims I was adopted from Africa; he used to get dark, but now he just gets red. I generally don't have hair on my head; he does. All physical attributes aside, Leonard and I are actually very much alike. We talk the same way, have the same facial expressions, and share intellectual tendencies (ask Lisa, Monica, and Mary about that one). One thing we also share is our sense of humor. Just yesterday, he related to me the glorious tale of his Christmas gift to his girlfriend, Kris. He gave her a Movado watch. Now, my brother being my brother, he couldn't simply give it to her in the normal fashion. Nope. He decided to have a little fun at her expense. How so? Well, he went to Wal-Mart to purchase a purse. Not just any purse, mind you, oh no. This purse had to be special. It had to stand out. It had to have flair. Above all, it had to be absolutely, undeniably, inconceivably hideous. Do you see where this is going? He deemed his quest successful when the woman behind him in line remarked, "Last minute Christmas shopping?" My brother replied with, "Uhhh, kind of. It's for my girlfriend." The wise, elderly woman's face was, according to my amused brother, a study in self-control. He said he could tell that she was trying not to say what she was thinking. He helped her out a little and said, "It's ugly, isn't it? Go ahead, you can say it." "Oh no! I was just thinking that it wasn't something I would have gotten." When he explained to the woman his mischievous plan, she laughed along with him. Christmas Morning arrived. They were over at Kris' parent's house, along with the rest of her family (whom he had not told about her gift). When she got to my brother's gift to her, she opened it to a chorus of, "Oooohhh...uhhhh...it's...niiiiiiice." My brother said he was trying hard not to laugh, but it became even harder when he asked her if she liked the purse. "Uhhh...yeah...I like it." Leonard was kind enough to tell her that her real gift was inside the bag. She liked her real gift a lot more than the bag :) Three sidenotes. First, the purse ended up being given to my niece, Kayla. The thing is hideous, but she likes it. Second, my brother recorded the unwrapping, so it'll soon be tossed up on the web for all to see. Third, Leonard made Kris wrap up her own gift. She had no idea what it was, since the purse was already in an unmarked box. Dirty guy :) posted by Bolo | 7:37 PM 3 speakage 12.26.2005 Tick-Tock When I woke up this morning at Mon and Dave's, I looked at my phone. It told me the time was 10:59 AM, EST. The problem with that? My security shift was set to start at 11:00 AM, EST. My head must be in a funky mood. I thought I'd manage to wake up early enough, but didn't. Must be the quiet of Southern Indiana that kept me sleeping. Either that, or the lack of sleep over the past several weeks. I leave that up to you to decide. In any event, I leave all of you with a little post-Christmas rhyme: I was in and out of the bathroom with great haste, no time to waste, and yes indeed, I still employed toothpaste. My sister packed my bags with provender, and soon I was out the door, praying against a fender-bender. Yes, it's terrible. Yes, it's something I should probably feel terrible about. But I don't. Go shopping for post-Christmas deals. It'll make you feel better. You probably need it after reading that bit of rhyme ;) posted by Bolo | 12:43 PM 1 speakage 12.25.2005 Christmas Portrait? Usually, our family takes a picture in front of the Christmas tree on Christmas Morning. Well, there's only me and Mon in this picture. Two out of seven siblings isn't too bad, I suppose. ![]() The reason for no Christmas tree in the picture? 'Cause it's smaller than we are. Does that still mean it's a tree? Maybe it's a Christmas sapling... ![]() 6 speakage 12.24.2005 Today, Tomorrow... A little Christmas reminiscing is in order. Two years ago, I was having profound conversation with Kayla, who was ten years old at that point. A year ago, I was pondering not only my future, but Brian's future as well. The irony of that is deep, but I won't go into that just now...maybe in another post. Last December also brought a nasty winter storm that...well...had me disgusted with the solid form of H2O. Chip Collins, too, for that matter. This Christmas? I'm not sure yet. To be perfectly honest, Brian and I were dubbing ourselves a pair of Grumpy Old Men earlier today. (Well, tomorrow for him, today for me, 'cause it's actually December 25th in Japan right now, and has been for a while.) Circumstance has a way of reminding you of how frail you are, and I find that my weaknesses still have not been entirely weeded out yet. Nor Brian's. Dang it. More on this later. Still, we found ourselves silenced by the fact that Jesus came and put Himself in a tiny baby's body. He would fart and poop like any other little baby, and cry from the natural need to feed. But He was and still is the Savior, and no matter what our Christmas Eve and Christmas Days look like, we were reminded of that today. Or tomorrow. Whatever. posted by Bolo | 6:44 PM 1 speakage 12.23.2005 Tagged I got tagged. Stupid thing. Tagging means that I have to share five weird things about myself and then designate five others to do the same. See? Stupid thing. Anyhow, here are my five weird things: 1. I once took an entire year off from having to go to school with the rest of the kids in my grade (7th), and had a personal tutor. Why? I claimed a psychological issue or two, and the educational system believed me. I watched a lot of TV and read a lot of fiction that year. 2. For Christmas, my wish-list used to consist of "Grey T-Shirts". (Yes, with grey spelled just like that, 'cause that's how John Ronald Reuel Tolkien spelled grey.) Those days were very, very different, as far as my wardrobe was concerned. They're still my favorite type of t-shirt, believe it or not. 3. My baptismal name (we grew up Catholic) is Joseph. 4. I have a birthmark on my right shoulder blade. It's green. 5. I'm named after a Sumotori (Sumo wrestler), one of my ancestors. Ok. This coming up with five weird things...gah. Difficult, very difficult. Coming up with five others to tag? *Sigh*...well, I tag the entire Cavanaugh family (I say I can do it, so there), Cleve, Kev, Boss, and Scott. posted by Bolo | 3:30 AM 1 speakage 12.22.2005 Word 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15 For the love of Chirst controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. Colossians 2:13, 14 When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 2 Samuel 15:24 - 26 Now behold, Zadok also came, and all the Levites with him carrying the ark of the covenant of God. And they set down the ark of God, and Abiathar came up until all the people had finished passing from the city. The king said to Zadok, "Return the ark of God to the city. If I find favor in the sight of the LORD, then He will bring me back again and show me both it and His habitation. But if He should say thus, 'I have no delight in you,' behold, here I am, let Him do to me as seems good to Him." Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. 2 Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. As I pondered today the wretchedness of my own heart, comfort could only be found in one place: the truth of God's Word, for His word points inexorably unto Christ. I think that this is as it should be; even amongst the body of believers, fellowship ought to be centered upon the truths found in Scripture, for as Paul says in his letter to the Romans, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And what else could renew our minds unto transformation save the fruit-bearing truths of the gospel? I remember one day this summer where my conscience was burning with the searing pain of sin. I had sinned against the LORD, and I knew it. Yet, circumstance would not allow me to confess my sin and ask for prayer (at least not for several hours, and the state of my conscience would cause such a time period to seem far longer). What could I do? It was at such a time that I was reminded of the true purpose of confession before fellow man. Often, I want to hide my sin; sometimes, in confessing sin to a brother, I will do so with the wrong intentions and seek to merely, "check it off the list". Yet what does that do? Confession ought to humble us, to drive us ultimately to the throne of grace itself. If the LORD should desire to use another to bring us there more quickly, so be it! But if we have no other there to hear us and to pray for us, should we shy away from the LORD who awaits our penitent hearts with patience, grace, and mercy? It is with such lonely circumstance that the LORD taught and continues to teach me a worthwhile lesson: it is in Christ alone that my salvation is found. Yes, the LORD uses others to bring me unto Him; how else to explain the corporate aspect of the Church? Yet that corporate aspect is a means by which each individual believer is reconciled to God and brought before His throne of grace. Those verses listed above have been very sweet to my soul. They unashamedly strip me of any deceptions I may have regarding a righteousness of my own, and graciously clothe me in the righteousness of Christ. Wow. posted by Bolo | 6:02 PM 0 speakage 12.21.2005 Insomniac If my eyes were blue, they'd be like the Hawai'i state flag: red, white, and blue. But mostly red. Lots of red. Ugh. My eyeballs have a warm burning sensation that is brought about by a lack of sleep. This lack of sleep has been aided by an abundance of caffeine (Cherokee Park blend from Java provided most of it), an overzealous desire to enjoy the sights and sounds of the mall with friends, and a work schedule that keeps me from drooling on my pillow with steadfast slumber. Aaaaahhhh, the fun of Winter Break! posted by Bolo | 3:46 AM 3 speakage 12.20.2005 Brightly A Note: I was reading a friend's Xanga post just moments ago, and was quite moved by the honesty and vulnerability I saw there. This person is a close friend of mine, and that being the case, I was somewhat concerned when someone else, whom I do not know at all, posted a question in response that seemed to imply something that I believe Scripture does not say. The following is my response to that person's question. I apologize if I misinterpreted the implication of that person's response, or communicated response in an inappropriate manner. I'm posting what I wrote here merely because, if read apart from the original context (the post and comment), it still stands as something I would post here on its own. 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. 1 John 3:2, 3 Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. Our destiny in Christ is steadfast and sure, and it is one that does indeed bring us face to face with Him where we once could not go (Hebrews 6:19). Yet now, we reside as aliens here in this world, and with the creation long for the fullness of Christ's return and the final redemption that comes with it (1 Peter 1:1; Romans 8:18 - 25). The beauty of our lives here on earth is that they are led by a hope that lifts our eyes up past the muck and mire of sin's wages and unto the salvation that awaits us (Colossians 3:1 - 4; 1 Peter 1:6 - 10). Such a hope does not disappoint, and furthermore, it is one that shines brightly amidst the darkness that surrounds us *now*. Darkness, however, is not our final destiny, nor is it revealed there. It is bright-shining, and it is seen in the face of Christ. posted by Bolo | 4:15 PM 0 speakage Opinionated I had dinner with Worley tonight at O'Charley's. Worley is yet another one of my good friends who, when he first met me, well...as he put it, "I hated you." Hehehehe. I seem to have that effect on people, don't I? Either that, or they find me intimidating for some reason. Anyhow. The atmosphere was good, the food was better, but the company was superb. Justin and I hadn't hung out in a long, long, long time, so we didn't mind lingering in the restaurant long after the bill had been paid. As I sat there, I was reminded of how blessed I've been during my time at Boyce. I told him as much, saying that several years ago, a spontaneous dinner with an old friend wouldn't have been possible. At that point Kentucky just wasn't a place that held a lot of history for me, much less history with good friends. My, how the times have changed. So has, for some reason, Worley's opinion of me :) posted by Bolo | 2:16 AM 2 speakage 12.19.2005 Crazy Clicks I believe I mentioned that I was in Chris Sellers' room the other night, and there was a cup with a bunch of mold in it. Well, as of 3 AM EST this morning, it was still there. ![]() Janal was busy showing us how to "shake off" the Solitary Seminary Stalker dude. Either that, or she'd had waaaaay too much Java that day...can't remember which. ![]() I think I remember Brooke telling me I shouldn't put this picture up on my blog ;) ![]() Johanna said she could see my box in the mail room when I opened the little door on it. Of course, that meant I could see hers, too :) ![]() Todd, ever the gracious host, threw a wonderful Christmas party that would've been much better had Matt Williard actually showed up like he said he would. I had fun, though, as I scored a new toothbrush from Santa Todd. ![]() These two claimed to be dyslexic. Whether or not they are, I do not know, but they sure as heck played Catchphrase like it. ![]() Who doesn't like Sweet Tea? Like he says..."I'm nicer than you, Toto!" That's not really saying much, but it's true :) ![]() Proof that Todd Thomas makes Spanish babies! ![]() Toddy...in his bed...after I took The Toothbrush... ![]() 0 speakage 12.18.2005 Liberty 2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Been thinking about this verse and the surrounding passage all day. Why? Well, upon reading it in context (and as my what was once $140 but is now $210 a credit-hour has purchased me, "context is king"), it seems to me that the word "liberty" has nearly nothing to do with the way it is usually presented. How so? Allow me to backtrack. Most of you reading this are Americans. Along with that comes an American mindsset (unless you're Rob Smythe). That will naturally lend itself toward thinking of liberty in terms of the rights and freedoms that we receive from our Government, or in other cases, the rights and freedoms that are denied individuals by their respective Governments. I would submit that this is a cultural byproduct of our Western society, as well as a naturally anthropocentric worldview that comes with being human. It is often hard to separate that innate perspective from our reading of and meditation upon Scripture, yet it is something that must be done. The liberty that Paul speaks of is not a liberty that can be bestowed by any man or human institution. Quite the contrary! Much of chapter 3 is dedicated to displaying the ultimate purpose of God's Law that was given through Moses. What was this purpose? In a nutshell, to display our inability to gain salvation through our own merit, and in doing so, to guide us unto Christ. So then, how does liberty come into play? How does the presence of God's Spirit signify liberty? In looking at the ministry of death, which is to say, that ministry administered through Moses, God's chosen people were unable to behold Him "face to face" as Moses did. They viewed the glory of God but dimly, for Moses' face, shining in the radiance of God's glory, was veiled to them. Now, however, Paul says that in Christ the veil is removed. We see God face to face. This is liberty! This and this alone! Such liberty cannot be purchased save by the blood of the Lamb, nor can it be granted save by the grace of a sweetly condescending God, and it is not felt unless the veil of our unrepentant hearts is lifted by the Spirit. posted by Bolo | 11:34 PM 0 speakage Incoming My blog informs, entertains, and now, acquires food for me. How so? Ask Michael Butterworth :) posted by Bolo | 10:32 PM 0 speakage 12.17.2005 Watchulike? Just got off the phone with Boss. Toward the end of our conversation, we were reminiscing on times past...listening to Jah Ska while he rode in his old white Civic to Kewalo's, talking story at Ward about Quake and Fender Strat's (American or Mexican? One humbucker or two? And don't even mention the color...), and the fact that we were once 20 and 22, rather than 26 and 28. Ouch. Some other, "Eh! Remember when..." things we laughed at uproariously include: Late 1999, Boss took all of his money out of his bank account for Y2K. He had mad cash on him when we were at Jon and Amy's early in the evening on New Year's Eve. What'd he do with it? I think he deposited it back into his account after Y2K. Hehehehe :) Walking by surf shops like T & C or HIC, hearing Green Day playing in the store, and knowing the songs were part of a surf video. Still happens to this day. Wish I could do it now, in fact. With Boss and 'Drew would be better. High School, and the silly things high schoolers do. The fact that he was in Japan, playing Jah Ska for me on his laptop and holding his phone near it so I could hear it on my cell phone while I sat in the office in Kentucky. The best part? I was bouncing up and down on my chair with a silly grin on my face, instantly taken back to old times with good friends. Yeah...that Tres Cher solo was the hotness. posted by Bolo | 9:58 PM 0 speakage Headlines The Boyce College Scandalous Press Yesterday in Java, Lisa Sipes asked me with incredulous vehemenece if I've seen Scott and Emily lately, as they've supposedly left their church and have been submitted to the elders for church discipline. I could only shake my head, offer up a sad "tsk tsk tsk" in agreement, and tell her that I hear that Scott has now been relegated to killing spiders for food. Sad times. Todd Thomas had a Christmas party to end all Christmas parties. Rumor has it that he hosted the blind, the dyslexic, the ethnically minor, as well as the poor. How do we know the poor were there? Grab bags were limited to $2, and Seth Ralston couldn't even meet that, as he only brought whatever random items were in his room - even trash! Kristen Marra is now officially on The List. (Don't ask what The List is, or who is on it, 'cause I don't know. It just sounds ominous.) Supposedly, she's been unable to keep her hours at Founders' Cafe straight, and has been spotted by campus security trying to break into Honeycutt in the middle of the night on various occasions. Why the clandestine break-ins? "I need to work! For the glory of Jesus Christ, let me work!" was her rabid cry, according to one greatly disturbed and sleep-deprived security officer. Seminary pretty boy Jacob Preston has been spotted in the weight room pushing weights. The reason? "I can't get dates with my gorgeous complexion, so I figured I need a Hot Bod to go with the Ken-Doll face." Sad times for the UK graduate, it seems. He has been seen floating in the Mullins area quite a lot during the break. Will this trend continue? Pablo Butterworth, who has been spotted sucking his thumb in his sleep by an anonymous Carver resident (I told the other Butterworth at Boyce I wouldn't use his first name), has now been said to murmer in his sleep, "It hurt. I begged him to stop. I cried afterwards. It hurt. I begged him to stop. I cried afterwards. It hurt. I begged him to stop. I cried afterwards." Sarah Cress has been spotted with a car seat in the back of her car. She claims it's because she babysits, but no substantial evidence of such employment has surfaced as of yet. posted by Bolo | 2:00 PM 2 speakage Linkage Warning: Ohio State fans may find their consciences seared as they go through these links, finding that their fandom is second-rate and lacking a firm foundation. You have been warned, ya big Burkeys...I mean, Turkeys ;) I gotta love these odds :) This dude is definitely tight. I may have a man-crush on Charlie Weis, but I'm not the only one. We have the Gipper, Rudy, and now, for those of you who've lived under a rock for the past three months, Montana. posted by Bolo | 2:03 AM 2 speakage 12.16.2005 Wisely Obedient In reading through 2 Samuel and 1 Kings, the stories of David and Solomon stand out next to and in comparison to one another. The comparison is inevitable; the nation of Israel knew no greater glory than when they ruled, and so much of God's redemptive hand in history focuses on these relatively few moments of time. David was known as a man after God's own heart, a man whom God appointed to lead His own nation and from whose line the Messiah would come. Solomon was granted by God wisdom and riches and more. In looking at the entirety of their lives, I was struck by those two characteristics: David's heart, and Solomon's wisdom. David's life put on display over and over and over again words and actions that reflected a heart in full submission to the sovereign, gracious hand of the living God, the Holy One of Israel. When he was ousted from his throne by his own son Absolom, David was more concerned with the glory of the Lord than he was with "his" throne. He was very much aware that it is the Lord who gives and the Lord who takes away. Much to the praise of God's grace, David's actions reflected that truth. David's heart reminds me of Christ's heart in the garden where He prayed that the Father's will be done, not His own. Solomon's life was marked with renowned, God-given wisdom. Scripture makes much of this wisdom, and it is clear that Solomon's wisdom was unsurpassed. Yet, what did this wisdom gain him? One is disturbed by the lack of humility and purity in Solomon's actions, as many things he did were idolatrous and sinful toward the Lord. He married foreign wives, participated in pagan sacrifices, and allowed worship to stray away from the Lord, He whose name is Jealous. Such great wisdom, yet such great waste. What, then, are we to do with these two biblical characters? I find it disconcerting that someone such as Solomon, someone blessed with not only great wisdom but also resources beyond my imagination, was so disobedient. Where was the heart that sought after the Lord? Where was the heart that claimed naught but He who first claimed him? Where was the humble obedience that so marked the life of his father, David? Shouldn't wisdom such as his lead to a life lived in a passionate embrace of all that is righteous and true, of that which is pleasing to the Lord? I told Gary last night that I see in myself how I am so prone to be like Solomon. I told Dan this afternoon that if I'm honest with myself, I can see that the Lord has graciously blessed me with a certain degree of wisdom and discernment. But I also told him that I do things that spit right in the face of wisdom, sinning grievously against the Spirit time and time again. *Sigh*...true wisdom finds its beginning in the fear of God. Part of that fear, or reverence, is the realization that I am a finite being, and God is not. It is a wise thing to know that my own apprehension and comprehension of life, of myself, and of God has an end, whereas God's does not. There are points that I come to in life where I often must say, "I don't know the answer to that." There is never, however, a point in life where I must say, "I cannot be obedient to the Lord in that." I'm grateful to the Lord that He is sovereign, that Christ sits enthroned above, and that I have already been redeemed from my sin. I'm grateful that Christ was obedient, even unto death, and that in Him, I too might now be obedient, for Christ has already died the death I was to die. I'm grateful that I am still being taught these things in this world, and that the difficult and arduous learning process is to the glory of God, for one day I shall be able to say I am utterly free from such light, momentary afflictions. posted by Bolo | 11:34 PM 2 speakage 12.15.2005 Up Close and Bored Today I worked a twelve-hour security shift, posted the whole time in a parked car. Believe it or not, I was just a tad bit bored. That being the case, I took out my phone and started to randomly take up-close shots of the things around me. Your task, should any of you choose to accept it, is to figure out what each picture is. I might post the regular pics later on. I'd love to point out what this is, but I'll leave that up to you. ![]() I was royally hungry at one point today. ![]() Scott didn't know this was mine. ![]() No rainbow here. ![]() Yes, there are girls. ![]() Be specific with this one! ![]() Only the folks back home would get this. ![]() Click! ![]() 0 speakage 12.14.2005 Linkage It's cold here, but seeing that people can at least have fun while freezing their buns off in much colder temperatures makes me glad I'm not having fun with them :) If this isn't a great geeky resource, I don't know what is. Having a ball. With the link to Firefox's mobile version, I figured I couldn't resist a link to something to help out those who are already fans of the regular version. posted by Bolo | 9:59 PM 0 speakage 12.13.2005 Presto Change-O Micah Landers once had hair like this... ![]() Now he has hair like this... ![]() 2 speakage Linkage I played chess for the first time in months the other night. Part of the reason I lost was because I did not utilize my knights well. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If you get to the end of it, I promise to personally make you a cup of coffee. "Can I get a to-go box for my Firefox?" For the aspiring librarian in all of us. posted by Bolo | 7:33 PM 0 speakage 12.12.2005 Veil Exodus 33:18 - 20 Then Moses said, "I pray You, show me Your glory!" And He said, "I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion." But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!" Mark 15:33 - 39 When the sixth hour came, darkness fell over the whole land until the ninth hour. At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?" which is translated, "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?" When some of the bystanders heard it, they began saying, "Behold, He is calling for Elijah." Someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a reed, and gave Him a drink, saying, "Let us see whether Elijah will come to take Him down." And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed His last. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said, "Truly this man was the Son of God!" 2 Corinthians 3:4 - 18 Such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones, came with glory, so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory. For indeed what had glory, in this case has no glory because of the glory that surpasses it. For if that which fades away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory. Therefore having such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech, and are not like Moses, who used to put a veil over his face so that the sons of Israel would not look intently at the end of what was fading away. But their minds were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed in Christ. But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart; but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. Hebrews 6:19 - 20 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. In reading Scripture lately, the symbolism of the veil has been of particular interest. It's something I've been looking at from various angles, yet it seems to hold far greater significance each time I meditate upon it. The letter of the Law, when given to Moses, was given with glory. Yet it was a minstry that led only to death, as it could not impart life. The letter of the Spirit leads to life and transformation, a transformation of glory wherein we behold the face of Christ and are sanctified by such beholding. Yet, by what merit do we behold the face of Christ? What is it that leads us now within the veil, where it was once unthinkable to enter, much less behold the glorious face of the LORD? *Sigh*...it is a humble thing to gaze upon the glorious face of Christ and realize that the veil has been torn and that we do indeed belong, yet we belong because He Himself was broken and torn on our behalf. posted by Bolo | 11:27 PM 0 speakage Hapai Mon called me tonight to ask advice on Christmas gifts. That led, in a somewhat roundabout but directly indirect (like that, huh?) manner, to me finding out what Mon already knew but I did not. What did Mon know that I did not? Only that Malia is pregnant, and that she was already pregnant when I saw her at home in October. My response? "Why am I always the last one to know!?!?!?! Nobody tells me anything!!!" Mon said I sounded like dad when I said that. I almost told her to take it back. I didn't tell her that only because she was right. Typing this entry, by the way, hurts like a monkey. I sprained my right index finger earlier today playing basketball. I'm still going to try to play volleyball with it later this week, but being that I'm first and foremost a setter, that might be a little painful. Strange...Malialani...pregnant. She is, as I affectionately refer to her, my baby sister. That would still make her older than the majority of Boyce students, but still young enough for me to remember her in diapers. Or in high school. Or in the homecoming court at the homecoming game her senior year. Maybe she'll finally stop being a twig :) posted by Bolo | 7:55 PM 0 speakage Brrr It snowed this past week. Some liked the snow. I did not like the snow. Snow is cold. It is very cold. Brrr. ![]() 0 speakage I had my phone in my left hand to take this picture, but my right hand, which also happened to be my throwing hand, held a tennis ball. Can you guess why Caleb is positioned the way he is, and why Jason is holding him the way he is? Hehehehehe... ![]() 0 speakage This is the view that one had from Emily's room in Mullins just after her air conditioner was removed from her window. The air conditioner that Scott asked me to help take out. The air conditioner that he requested I help take out by prefacing, "I don't want to push the limits of our friendship, but..." Silly human. That made me laugh, it did. Oh...funny thing about the removal process...I nearly dropped the air conditioning unit out the window. Yeah. My eyes got big and distinctly un-Asian for a split second. At least it would've been out of her window :) ![]() 0 speakage Mmmm...yum! ![]() 0 speakage So I was up in Mullins the other day, and I saw the extended editions of both The Two Towers and The Return of the King sitting outside of a certain dorm room. R., be glad I didn't take 'em. Emily made me put them back down. You should thank her. ![]() 0 speakage Man-crush. Yup. ![]() 1 speakage Sad times. Nikki's last Louisville show was at Sunergos on Friday night. On a sidenote, she did sort of give a deeply deserved and much merited public apology to me. But that's another story, one that underlines both Nikki's indefatigable ability to lose all sense of direction as well as my asinine ability to be right in a most irksome (and smirksome) manner. ![]() 0 speakage This is what Daniel gets for beating me at chess. *Squishsquishsquish* ![]() 0 speakage 12.11.2005 The Other Saigusa Talk about weird. Every time I go home, I see Emmie. Emmie is Goose's sister. In January, I ran into Emmie the second day I was back. Boss and I were in T & C at Ala Moana, and lo and behold, there's Emmie. The last time I was home, I didn't get to see Goose (it was his fault he didn't answer his phone), but I saw Emmie one day on some street corner in Kaimuki while I was driving mom home. Go figure. So imagine my surprise when checking the Star Bulletin's website and I see the results for the Honolulu Marathon. Emmie won the female Kama'aina division, which doesn't really surprise me. It definitely wasn't Goose that won any divisions in the Marathon ;) Hmmm...come to think of it...Emmie and I have always had a rather...oh...strange relationship. I still tease her about the time we watched The Matrix at the Uchida house. Due to the fact that she hadn't seen the movie yet but I had, she asked fifty billion questions in about fifty billion nano-seconds, which was and is typical Emmie Saigusa fashion. Hmmm...maybe she talked her marathon competition into submission. Just kidding! posted by Bolo | 11:41 PM 0 speakage Linkage The fact that my name comes up as "Olo Chubb-Baggins of Pincup" would be very, very, very amusing to some that gamed with me back in the day, but carries little significance to anyone here. Bummer. How much do you know? Jason's my hero :) Don't sweat the molecular stuff. posted by Bolo | 8:54 PM 0 speakage 12.10.2005 Linkage Welcome to my dreams. Watch the Pipeline Masters live! (Thanks, J!) Do you know the Muffin Man? Aaaahhhh, this reminds me of the good old days of gaming...*sigh*... posted by Bolo | 3:18 PM 13 speakage 12.09.2005 Linkage It's the Encyclopedia of Arda, not just Middle-earth. Cool, eh? What a waste of time. What're you waiting for? Bitey... I'm not sure how I feel about this. posted by Bolo | 2:50 PM 0 speakage 12.08.2005 Happy BiRthday! This one's for you, Miss Duncan... ![]() 3 speakage Dot Dot Dot Ashlea dyed her hair red. Now all she needs is a green scarf and some blinking lights, and she's all set for the Christmas season :) ![]() Sarah Cress in triplicate. Girls on the second floor, beware! Triple tickets! ![]() So. We were at Burger King the other night, and Joiner grabbed Caleb, looked deeply into his eyes, and said, "I know you have a man-crush on me! Admit it! Admit it! Admiiiiiiiit it!" Ok, maybe not. But it's a much better story than anything else I could come with at the moment. By the way, "man-crush" is my new term of the season. I'm pimpin' it like no other. Yup. It's the hotness. ![]() This was the scene I walked into in Carver one night. I was almost speechless for just the third time in my life. The second was the other day, but we don't need to get into that just now... ![]() Girls can get away with wearing funky socks. Guys can't. Remember that, gentlemen! ![]() 1 speakage Linkage How fast is fast? R. reminded Mrs. O'Neal and me that we're all dying. Yup. Let's drink to it! How long can you last? Aaahhhh...January 2nd can't come fast enough! posted by Bolo | 9:25 PM 4 speakage 12.07.2005 Linkage In the cafeteria today, Emily mentioned that Abbicus Maximus absolutely adores and breathlessly awaits each edition of Linkage. That being the case, I've decided to make ammends to her for not having a consistent offering of Linkage to partake of lately. How so? A daily dose of Linkage for a week. Here's to you, Miss Maximus :) I'm old enough to remember most of these. Yeah, I'm geeky. So are they. Whoa. This is kinda like all stages of Geekiness combined. posted by Bolo | 10:19 PM 0 speakage R = Ridiculous I sat in the cafeteria with Emily and Lauren. They had finished lunch, and for some reason, a portion of the conversation settled on Lauren's future. Things such as her signature and maternal nature were discussed, much to my amusement :) ![]() Why's she putting on makeup in the cafeteria? Her "man" was showing up in a little bit. Emily and I had to give her a while (I think I settled on fifteen seconds) after Jordan appeared in order for her to recover from her giddy state. Twenty seconds wasn't really enough. Not by a long shot. ![]() 0 speakage Word Colossians 3:12 - 17 So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another witth psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. I've been reading through and meditating on Colossians over the past several days, and this morning I sat in Java and read chapter two and part of three. Having just gotten off of an 8 hour shift, my brain wasn't working all that well, so I put my head down and drooled on my arm for a few minutes. After that, I sat there and thought about Paul's exhortation in 3:12 - 17. What came to mind was not any one particular observation about the text, but rather an observation about Scripture in general: although I may be able to apprehend and comprehend the truths the LORD sets forth in His word at a voracious rate, the rate of application of such truths seems to come infinitesimaly. In other words, the rate of return is not nearly so great as I would hope. Yet all is not lost; indeed, all is well. In Christ, we are already saved, already declared righteous, already sanctified. Is this not a beautiful hope? Is this not the very reason why we can do all we do in the name of the Lord Jesus, and can give heartfelt thanks to the Father through Christ for all that comes our way? Indeed it is! Yet, we must also realize that although we are already saved, sanctified, and righteous, we have yet to be fully saved, realize full sanctification, and have not yet been declared righteous once and for all. There is a day when that will come, and we hope and long for that day. Until that day, however, we must live with the exhortation of Paul in our hearts. Yes this exhortation is one that seems beyond us and yes we live in a world full of struggle, but it is an exhortation that comes interlaced with the very means and hope all in one: namely, Christ. It is He who provides the way, it is His strength in which we labor, and it is unto His glory that we do so. posted by Bolo | 10:47 AM 0 speakage 12.06.2005 Life? When I try to wrap my head around the things of God, I fail. When I try to apply the things the LORD has revealed to us in His word, I do so slowly and with what seems to be little success. *Sigh*...I wonder if I'm the only one, I wonder if I'll ever really see Jesus the way my soul longs to see Him. Sometimes, on some of the worst days, I really want to see Him so that He can take away the struggle, the shame. Is this what life is like? Is this what it's supposed to be like? Strangely, joyfully even, I believe it is. The struggles we have, the temporal pain of this world, they all point toward and magnify the victory we have in our Savior. The more He shines forth His glorious light that I might gaze upon the putrid depths of my sin, the more the LORD teaches me of the heights and depths of His gracious love in Christ. *Sigh*. posted by Bolo | 9:48 PM 0 speakage 12.05.2005 Word Colossians 1:15 - 20 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. Hebrews 1:1 - 4 God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they. John 1:1 - 5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:9 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. posted by Bolo | 9:23 PM 0 speakage 12.04.2005 Fiesta! To you folks in Reynoldsburg, Ohio: Here come the Irish!!! posted by Bolo | 11:47 PM 4 speakage 12.03.2005 Neverending Birthday Liz turned 23 on Friday. Since it's been a long semester for her away from her friends and family in Mexico, we decided to really celebrate and make it a birthday to remember. Did we ever! She said she'd never forget her 23rd birthday...neither will I :) ![]() If this ends up as Pablo's profile pic on Facebook, I'm gonna consider charging him fees ;) ![]() Katy Barnes is one of a kind, really she is. My only response to that observation is to cite the end of Romans 11 :) ![]() Notice: Many cups were harmed in the playing of this game. Joyfully harmed, even. ![]() Crazy Boyce girls. They're both on the second floor of Mullins, aren't they? Yep. Crazy. ![]() Tolly told me he had a headache, but I couldn't figure out what the problem was. ![]() Joiner and Johanna sat with me in Founder's, and I asked them how they hooked up. Now that is a funny story! ![]() Vote for Pedro! ![]() Hehehehe... ![]() Believe it or not, Sweet T really is a happy, chummy kinda guy. Really he is. He's not the intimidating one on campus, or so the rumors go. Seriously! ![]() We were supposed to go dancing, but it didn't happen...so all the practice was...well...fun to behold :) ![]() We ended up spending a long portion of the late night and early morning at Emily's house... ![]() After watching Elf, playing two games of Psychiatrist and four games of Mafia, we were still alive and kickin'. Well, some of us were :) ![]() 0 speakage Dell Coupons |
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