Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



I have a bag of charcoals sitting next to my desk; it ought to be used properly sometime soon. Puma's Complete Trailfox is an amazing piece of footwear. Last night was the second straight night of volleyball that we played with just four against six, and the second straight night we ended up losing some close games. It's the time of year to start thinking about our family Christmas party, and as such, I felt it necessary to remind the world, along with my esteemed siblings, just how cultured our bloodline is. Speaking of chicken, go for the balut, O'Neal, go for the balut! My favorite response to inquiries about the tat on my leg: "Yeah, I got it in May." Typical response to my favorite response to inquiries about said tat: "Oh yeah, it looks kind of new." I guess that's not bad for a tat done in May of '99. Our Sweet Maria's order comes in tomorrow. At least it's starting to look like Fall around here, even if it doesn't feel like it. Man...that Smythe...he's still capable of shocking me. Darth Tater's got a 'fro. DeWitt, you've got a big nickname now, bro. Cimato: ever feel blind, even though you're still seeing everything? Too bad JVizzle knew it was I who was calling her...that would have been quite a fun phone call otherwise.

posted by Bolo | 3:34 PM
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