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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



The Boyce College Scandalous Press

Yesterday in Java, Lisa Sipes asked me with incredulous vehemenece if I've seen Scott and Emily lately, as they've supposedly left their church and have been submitted to the elders for church discipline. I could only shake my head, offer up a sad "tsk tsk tsk" in agreement, and tell her that I hear that Scott has now been relegated to killing spiders for food. Sad times.

Todd Thomas had a Christmas party to end all Christmas parties. Rumor has it that he hosted the blind, the dyslexic, the ethnically minor, as well as the poor. How do we know the poor were there? Grab bags were limited to $2, and Seth Ralston couldn't even meet that, as he only brought whatever random items were in his room - even trash!

Kristen Marra is now officially on The List. (Don't ask what The List is, or who is on it, 'cause I don't know. It just sounds ominous.) Supposedly, she's been unable to keep her hours at Founders' Cafe straight, and has been spotted by campus security trying to break into Honeycutt in the middle of the night on various occasions. Why the clandestine break-ins? "I need to work! For the glory of Jesus Christ, let me work!" was her rabid cry, according to one greatly disturbed and sleep-deprived security officer.

Seminary pretty boy Jacob Preston has been spotted in the weight room pushing weights. The reason? "I can't get dates with my gorgeous complexion, so I figured I need a Hot Bod to go with the Ken-Doll face." Sad times for the UK graduate, it seems. He has been seen floating in the Mullins area quite a lot during the break. Will this trend continue?

Pablo Butterworth, who has been spotted sucking his thumb in his sleep by an anonymous Carver resident (I told the other Butterworth at Boyce I wouldn't use his first name), has now been said to murmer in his sleep, "It hurt. I begged him to stop. I cried afterwards. It hurt. I begged him to stop. I cried afterwards. It hurt. I begged him to stop. I cried afterwards."

Sarah Cress has been spotted with a car seat in the back of her car. She claims it's because she babysits, but no substantial evidence of such employment has surfaced as of yet.

posted by Bolo | 2:00 PM
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