Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


NYC Coffee: Cafe Grumpy, Explained

Many of you will remember that I took a trip to New York this past December while visiting Andrew and Sandi in Pennsylvania for Christmas. Cafe Grumpy, one of our stops on the delightful NYC Coffee Tour, is explained here by one who does not consider himself a coffee geek...

...merely a friend to a coffee geek.

posted by Bolo | 5:12 PM
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Yet another coffee-flavored set of links. No fake additives here, folks.

Unfortunately, the darn thing has been discontinued. Drat.

That's cold, man.

Make no bones about it, this is a serious mill.

posted by Bolo | 10:44 PM
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"I always feel like I’m describing a fish, but she is 7 pounds 8 ounces and 19.5 inches."

-Ben Brainard, commenting on his newborn girl

posted by Bolo | 5:18 PM
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Birthdays and Such

Yesterday was my brother's birthday; Leonard turned 36, unless I have finally failed math entirely. My blog, incidentally, also turned 6 yesterday. I suppose that this year may have an asterisk in blog year celebrations, since I'm the only one that knows it's still here, but that's fine with me. Awesome.

posted by Bolo | 11:41 PM
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What He Wants

I can't make this stuff up!

posted by Bolo | 8:10 AM
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LUFA Spring League '09

Two things. One, we have a name: Team Go. Two, we're shaping up to be pretty decent, I think. More on this later.

posted by Bolo | 8:46 PM
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Chicago: Up Close

posted by Bolo | 5:52 PM
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He really can dunk!

This is why they are the way they are. It's also why I dig 'em.

posted by Bolo | 10:08 PM
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Crazy Cute

It doesn't get any cuter. Nope. Not one bit. Seriously.

posted by Bolo | 11:11 AM
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Chicago: Random Viewings

posted by Bolo | 12:23 AM
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A coffee-themed click on things.

Yeah, what he said.

Him, too.

I met them. That's awesome.

posted by Bolo | 7:18 PM
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Getting Preachy

For times I find I simply can't preach to myself the way I need to, I do one better: I listen.

posted by Bolo | 4:45 PM
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Holy Shirt

According to Lauren Carpenter, my t-shirts don't have holes in them. What, the holes for my arms and head don't count?

posted by Bolo | 1:06 AM
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To self: Korean food absolutely destroys the palate when attempting to taste and detect subtleties in coffee. That is all.

posted by Bolo | 10:53 AM
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VHS Or Beta reminds me of summer. Moon and Butterworth the Younger can duke it out for title of Toto's Biggest Fan...personally, my money's on little Koen to sneak in and win. Speaking of summer, I kind of miss it, I do. Maybe understanding Jesus and the cross is less about feeling like I have an understanding of it and more about feeling like I don't have an understanding of it. Perhaps we'll go ahead and make a little September Sessions of our own; what say ye, gents? Cinnamon ice cream from Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen is awesome, but it's even better when there's a pint of it, and at its freakin' ridiculous best when there's a quart that Glen Moore paid for with his gift certificate. The Kiddo got what she wanted, and I got to see her get what she wanted; fair trade, I'd say. Sitting on the deck at Aaron's Beard, chillin' with a pipe, partaking of brats and the fine, fine doesn't get much finer, friends. I miss home. Team 5 split our games this past Saturday, but the good news is that we literally won the one that counted. Patrick was in town this week; spending an evening with him and Glo at the Collins pad was great, especially since MoBap was there for us to laugh at...uh, with. I wanna sit on the wall at Kewalo's with Boss and Kev and 'Drew and Steak Sauce and Brit and just chill for about five years. How's Gizmo, I wonder? I'm not a morning person, but I don't think my alarm clock has realized this yet.

posted by Bolo | 7:33 AM
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Status Update

Michael Butterworth's latest status update for both Twitter and Facebook? The following:

"Michael thinks the similarities between John Letoto and Gandalf are striking...both arrive at unexpected times."

Dig it.

posted by Bolo | 11:55 PM
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The following was written earlier today by none other than the wondrous Sara Kandt of chili fundraiser fame:

Yes, my friends, its true, that John Letoto is absent from facebook. He has also deactivated his blog.

Why, you may ask? I asked the same question.

His profound and detailed reply was, "I felt like it, truth be told." And then, "That sounds sooooo lame, though." (Yes, he did use five Os.)

When pressed about his Scramble and Scrabble activity, he assured me he hadn't played since last week.

He was quite pleased to discover your concern, and amused to find himself the topic of our morning conversation. He would like you to know that if you go to Google and type in "John Leto" it will autocomplete his name. He'd probably like you to try it out, just so you can see for yourself. He finds it particularly neat, and swell.

While Letoto is no longer updating his blog 7 times a day or reporting intimate details of his life on Facebook, you can still catch him on gmail chat during business hours (8-5).

posted by Bolo | 8:33 PM
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Oops...totally just tried to stuff way too many Cheetos into my mouth and had to let some spill back out.

posted by Bolo | 10:35 AM
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Cup of the Morning

Indonesia Flores Organic Manggarai. I know, I know, I don't like Indonesian coffees. Whatever, man, 'cause I like this one...a lot

posted by Bolo | 9:38 AM
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Cup of the Afternoon

Two Guatemalan beans, roasted separately on the same day a little while ago, but ground and brewed together in the same press. Wow. The two beans are as different as two beans from roughly the same origin can be: one wet-processed, one dry-processed; one floral and fruited and singing with tenor-noted aromas, the other chocolatey and dense and rumbling with bass-noted creaminess.

posted by Bolo | 3:38 PM
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Solitary Smoke

Just sat on the back roof outside of my kitchen window while the sun made its way down to the horizon. I had wanted to read a little bit while having a nice solitary smoke with my trusty church warden, and as I did so, I pondered the essence of this thing called "life".

Last night, the Kiddo asked me why my blog was gone. As I've said before, I deleted it on a whim, and I felt really good about that. I feel as though I'd lost track of something, lost sight of where I was headed. Sometimes when hiking, I would get lost in the wonder of the woods I passed through. The smells of the flowers and the crunchy splosh of my footfalls were enough to keep me company on my lonely jaunts. So long as I knew I had a path and a destination, my sojourns through nature were joyful and peaceful even if I didn't always know the path or had ever been to my destination.

Sometimes, though, life starts to get a little dark. We lose sight of the path, and in doing so, the idyllic quiet gives way to a terrifying loneliness. We don't know where we are, we don't know what's around us, and we just want out.

Especially when we feel we can't get out.

I told Rev yesterday that I'm prone to not giving people a fair shake, to thinking they can't handle what I'll give to them. I guess you could say it's pretty preposterous to walk through life alone, especially when so many of us are trying as desperately as we can to live Christ-centered lives on paths that seem to get dark and lonely all too quickly.

Especially when we feel we've forgotten where we're going.

posted by Bolo | 7:58 PM
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Rev just called. From Stumptown. Absolutely ridiculous. I hate him. Okay, not really. But still...ridiculous!

posted by Bolo | 6:37 PM
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What a Treat

Moisan fell asleep tonight while we were watching the U of L game at the house. Well, Micah decides that Dave has been a really good boy as of late, and as such, deserves a treat.

A doggy treat.

Yeah. Seeing him with it there in his mouth for five minutes was awesome, but then watching him stir and wake up and find it there in his mouth...legendary!

posted by Bolo | 11:45 PM
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Springing into LUFA

No lie: I'm exhausted. Today was the first day of the season for LUFA's Spring League, and as such, the shaking off of the winter rust was in full swing. My bright and bold new cleats did quite well in their yellow glory, and I feel as though our team played well enough to today for us to feel good about our odds going into this season. Will we dominate? Unlikely. Will we have fun and win some games along the way? Most definitely.

Well, the first is definite, at least ;)

posted by Bolo | 11:31 PM
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In case you can't understand what was going on, Ashlea experienced a great blow to her English pride when she couldn't figure out how to pronounce a certain word I played on the Scrabble board. Maybe that blow to her pride really...uh..."owed" her.

posted by Bolo | 7:38 PM
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Thoughts: Godward

Humility is a hard, hard grace. I'm not sure how else to word what I'm trying to convey, but it is.

posted by Bolo | 8:57 AM
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Sharing No More

Some of you have already asked about the blog being gone. It's one of those things I did on a whim in the wee morning hours, but once I did do it, I felt fairly happy about it. I suppose you could say that I had stopped writing for the joy of writing, and slowly and foolishly wrote because I was obligated to write.

I hate that.

In a sense, it feels like a mirror of what one of the themes I've been reading about in Hosea: Israel continually brought before the LORD all of outer forms, the sacrifices, of worship, but missed the point, the heart. My life, in many ways, echoes hollowly with the mere form of worship, and it's not a rich and vibrant sound that resounds with the timbre of Jesus' joy. At least, that's what I feel.

When I first started this thing six years ago, I told myself that I would write for the joy of writing, because I wanted to write and because I wanted to have something that I'd written. That may sound selfish, but I don't think it is; it really is the best way I know of to ensure that I write from my heart. And believe me, I don't want to share any less than that.

I think, you see, that's the biggest part of the problem I've had as of late. My eyes fill with tears now as I think of what my heart holds; Red Mountain Church sings, "Jesus weeps and loves me still." The aptness of those words is piercing, for I cannot put into words how deeply I fear that He has turned away.

I've occasionally been told by friends that others think I'm a jerk. You know what? I don't deny it. If others cannot bear to be near me, I feel much the same, but far more. Sharing a heart that aches is not something I do well.

posted by Bolo | 5:37 PM
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Close, But No Clover

When I heard of Clover Sites, I got excited. I mean, a website dedicated to the Clover, right? Well...not really...still good, though...but yeah, not really.

posted by Bolo | 1:41 AM
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posted by Bolo | 11:59 PM
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True Story

"See, I never know what's true with you, John! You sit in an office chair of lies!"

-Blake McKinney

posted by Bolo | 4:42 PM
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As I type, my very first pot of Chemex-brewed coffee is steeping and filtering. In the pot? One of the Cup of Excellence coffees from El Salvador. Beautiful.

posted by Bolo | 8:40 AM
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There's something ineffably wonderful about sitting down over a meal with Scott. In all honesty, I think it's because talking with him always does more for my soul than I expect it will. That's pretty silly of me, considering that conversations with him have been doing that for years. Thanks, bro.

posted by Bolo | 12:18 AM
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Chicago: Kane

posted by Bolo | 9:56 PM
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The latest order has arrived from Oakland. The contents of these beautiful boxes? Twenty-seven pounds of green coffee, some replacement filters for the large press we sometimes use in the office, and a glass-handled Chemex complete with a box of the awesome Chemex filters. Don't worry, not all of the coffee is mine...just the vast majority of it.

posted by Bolo | 1:22 PM
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The sun's positioning in the sky on the ride in to work is far less than ideal for getting in a few more minutes of sleep. That is all.

posted by Bolo | 8:25 AM
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posted by Bolo | 12:26 PM
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It's a really good thing that my left wrist, the non-throwing wrist, is the one that hurts. I swear, Jeesh was positively glowing when I said "home-schooled" to him. Yes, Miss Sara, I am an avoider; did you expect anything less? It's not the first time Mr. Moisan has somehow persuaded one of his friends to do something, and I'm sure it won't be the last. David Mead is a great listen. My hair is hippie-length. I could definitely go back to Intelligentsia soon, especially if Charles hooks up some SO 'spro. When Tom says, "Koratie is cupping really well, and the raised-bed Harar project lots were ranging from really good to fantastic!" I get excited...really excited. I think I need to pick up a new pair of cleats this week. I told Warren that I should be running this week to get myself back into shape to chase plastic; I also told him it's not likely to happen. Thanks for the mugs, Kiddo! Twelve-point word, Edmo...take that!

posted by Bolo | 7:42 AM
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Good Uncle Johnny

I'm rather proud of myself. I remembered Kyle's birthday all by myself, without any reminders from Mary, nor any discussions about him. Not bad at all, I say. Happy birthday,'s to hoping for less zits to pop this year!

posted by Bolo | 11:50 PM
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Addiction? What Addiction?

The following exchange occurred on the Sweet Maria's email list. I find it quite humorous.

Coffee Nut One: After lurking on this edifying list for months, I don't recall a single instance of posting about caffeine addiction. Surely it must be widespread among enthusiasts. Is it worrisome for any lister? At what point does it become worrisome?

Coffee Nut Two: When there's no more.

posted by Bolo | 6:33 PM
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Because of Grace

"Let me ask you this: If you could obey Jesus perfectly and enjoy fellowship with God, and what that would bring, would you be happy? Would you be content? If you wouldn't you're not a believer. If that wouldn't satisfy you, you're not a Christian. Christians can't imagine anything better than His Kingdom come in their life. But if you're a believer, then that's the best thing you heard all week -- unless you heard something really similar earlier!"

-Ryan Fullerton

I posted this almost a year and a half ago, but it bears re-posting. It comes from a sermon that Ryan preached...oh...I'm guessing almost two years ago now.

If you live your days in any fashion similar to mine, you keenly feel the displeasure of your regenerate soul when you sin. Rather than sweet intimacy with God, you feel the sour distance sin brings, and you hate it. Even the numbness that comes with being in a rut of sin is just like that. But what of obedience? What of joy in Him? Sometimes, obedience is that which comes easily, that which makes more sense than the sun rising in the morning. At other times, it seems about as logical or as likely as sprouting wings and taking to the sky. Isn't grace like that, though? Isn't God's grace toward us in Christ that unbelievable, that wonderful?

The ability to obey God is one that comes to us because of grace. The desire we have to obey God is one that comes to us because of grace. The displeasure we feel when we disobey God is one that comes to us because of grace. The pleasure we feel when we obey God is one we feel because of grace. In short, the very relationship we have with the Lord has been fundamentally changed, and as such, we no longer obey Him on the basis of the Law, but on the basis of His grace to us in Christ. That, Christian, ought to make us happy, and it ought to make us praise Him, for it is praise to the glory of His grace.

posted by Bolo | 12:55 PM
1 speakage


"I get free lunch today and it made me think of you."

-Sara Kandt

posted by Bolo | 12:02 PM
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Cup of the Morning

In the large Sunergos mug this morning is a press from a batch of Ethiopia Idido Misty Valley roasted four days ago. The roast itself is maybe at a dark City+, perhaps a lighter Full City. What makes this cup interesting is that it was allowed to steep for just three minutes instead of four, as I wanted to negate some of the overextraction bound to occur with the tinier particles that gets tossed in with the properly-sized grounds that come out of the grinder. The resulting cup definitely felt less dense, almost cleaner, than is usually the case with this dry-processed bean, but that's not to say that it lacks flavor. Floral and chocolate notes are immediately noticeable, and as it cools, the cherry and strawberry notes pop a little, especially on the sides of the tongue.

posted by Bolo | 10:28 AM
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Specialty coffees tend to be a finicky commodity. Subtle and seemingly insignificant changes to any part of the process that brings that coffee to your mug or espresso to your demitasse, a process which includes growing, picking, processing, shipping, storing, roasting, grinding and brewing, can have ginormous consequences -- some good, some bad. Even with the utmost care taken in all facets of that long and tedious operation, that still doesn't mean that John Doe will like what he's drinking, you know? All of which brings me to this interesting discussion, the gist of which I find not surprising.

posted by Bolo | 11:24 PM
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posted by Bolo | 2:46 PM
1 speakage
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