Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



VHS Or Beta reminds me of summer. Moon and Butterworth the Younger can duke it out for title of Toto's Biggest Fan...personally, my money's on little Koen to sneak in and win. Speaking of summer, I kind of miss it, I do. Maybe understanding Jesus and the cross is less about feeling like I have an understanding of it and more about feeling like I don't have an understanding of it. Perhaps we'll go ahead and make a little September Sessions of our own; what say ye, gents? Cinnamon ice cream from Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen is awesome, but it's even better when there's a pint of it, and at its freakin' ridiculous best when there's a quart that Glen Moore paid for with his gift certificate. The Kiddo got what she wanted, and I got to see her get what she wanted; fair trade, I'd say. Sitting on the deck at Aaron's Beard, chillin' with a pipe, partaking of brats and the fine, fine doesn't get much finer, friends. I miss home. Team 5 split our games this past Saturday, but the good news is that we literally won the one that counted. Patrick was in town this week; spending an evening with him and Glo at the Collins pad was great, especially since MoBap was there for us to laugh at...uh, with. I wanna sit on the wall at Kewalo's with Boss and Kev and 'Drew and Steak Sauce and Brit and just chill for about five years. How's Gizmo, I wonder? I'm not a morning person, but I don't think my alarm clock has realized this yet.

posted by Bolo | 7:33 AM
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