Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Old Made Fresh

Last night, we sat around the fire and smoked a bit. As conversation shifted, Moisan mentioned how he'd just finished reading through the bible, and after we talked about how reading through certain parts of the Old Testament can be pretty rough, Rev mentioned how Daniel is preaching through the Old Testament this year. That brought to mind one of the most convicting and encouraging message I could ever commend for diving into that large body of writing: Ligon Duncan's T4G '06 session on preaching through the Old Testament.

I told the guys about how Dr. Duncan went through various passages of Scripture, demonstrating his points and showing the many ways the Old Testament could and needs to be preached in our congregations. I shared my favorite part of that message where Dr. Duncan reads from the list of David's Mighty Men from 2 Samuel. I've already written about it a while back, so I won't detail it here, but I will say that as I read through my thoughts on it again this morning, I felt conviction anew, and was immensely glad for it.

I also told the guys that they needed to go and listen to that message, which can be found here. There's a sermon that Dr. Duncan mentions while teaching us about that passage in 2 Samuel, one by Ed Clowney. That sermon can be found here.

posted by Bolo | 11:10 AM
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