Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Green Bean Brown Bean: A List

The list of coffees has been relatively set for a while now. I'm still not entirely sure how everything is going to flow with this being the first time I'm doing something on this scale, but I'm presuming that a simple and straightforward format will help everyone -- myself included -- get into the spirit of things. With that said, I'm going to be offering up a few coffees I'm very familiar with as well as a couple that may not go in line with the types of coffees I tend to enjoy. A combination of this sort will help me to feel a little bit more confident in identifying and understanding the different nuances some people are pulling out of the coffees I know well, but will also aid in providing a more balanced array of coffees for those whose coffee palates differ significantly from mine.

For the record, African, Central American, and Indonesian coffees will all be offered. That's as much as I'll say at this point.

posted by Bolo | 5:15 PM
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