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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



1 John 4:10
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Once upon a time, there was a father who was told by God to sacrifice his son, his only son, the son of his love. This father went and obeyed, yet God stayed his wrathful hand of obedience and love, and this loving father's son was spared.

Once upon a time, there was a man who was told by God to go and love a woman who would not return his love, a woman of infidelity and brokenness, a woman who would leave this man and break his heart. This man was told to go and love her again, to purchase back she who was his own in shame and humiliation, and love her as she did not deserve to be loved: in righteousness and justice, lovingkindness and compassion, and in faithfulness.

Once upon a time there was King, and He was born amongst the animals. For a royal birthing court His Father brought to Him mere shepherds, the lowliest of the low; yet these simpletons had invitations that echoed with heavenly glory and divine delight. Never was any birth so royal, never any so meek, so fitting. Even then, even at His birth, the King bid the lowliest of the low, "Come to me!" for He would not turn away His people, those whom He loved, those whom His Father had given to Him.

posted by Bolo | 6:52 PM
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