Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



This Linkage is dedicated to little Koen. After all, he knows what his Uncle Johnny likes.

Whoa, I'd hate to see this come out of my Mini!

The heck with the dark side, right? Go light!

Perhaps two of this most esteemed readership will actually enjoy reading this. A few of you may desire to enjoy it, but are not quite there yet, and that, too, is fine. To the rest of you, I suggest you simply raise your mugs and enjoy the product of such zealous thinking, content in the knowledge that you yourselves need not be so fastidious to enjoy greatly the product of my fastidious nature.

Believe me, this is not what I mean when I talk about beans wrinkling.

They're speakin' my language -- even if the grammar could use a little fine-tuning.

. Better project.

Sure, I...heck, we, would love to drop some green on an old, gas-powered, cast iron hunk of drum-roasting hotness. But what to do with it? Ah, there's an answer for that question, a solution for that problem! I'm sure there are cheaper ones out there, but it's still nice to know that this exists.

Believe me, I know I'm not normal. Why? This gets me way too freakin' excited. I want to be invisible, too.

posted by Bolo | 2:46 PM
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