Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



My feet reek right now; I'm not sure if it's the socks, the cleats, or the kim chee. The difference between talking to Huffman and Farmer is that while both of them are stomach-hurting hilarious, one catches on to subtle turns of phrase more than the other, which means you can laugh at one because she isn't getting it, and then turn around and laugh at the other because she's getting the jibes you're tossing her way. Everyone should have a Kevin Mikami in their life. If anyone finds Butterworth the Younger's airport buddy, I'm sure he'll give you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek if you return it to him. Maybe it's 'cause I didn't match my socks tonight. I'm diggin' the new pipe. I don't care how bad it sounds, the milky eye thing is hilarious! Even if I could pull off a mullet, I'd feel morally offensive in some way. Oh reeeeaaaaaally, Boss? Scrabble tournaments are awesome! Speaking of awesome, the Intervention episode was legendary. Yes yes yes, I'm a terrible person. I could do more Nubs, really I could. Heavily-laden berry bushes, my men, heavily-laden berry bushes. I'm glad that I achieved one of my main goals for Kev while he was here: turning him into a HIMYM monster. Mmmm...hamachi! There's four and two and then there's four and two, but I'm more than happy with this four and two.

posted by Bolo | 10:47 PM
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