Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Stories & Smiles

I see Kayla online a lot these days. I told her she could call me anytime she needed to. She said she probably wouldn't; that's just not her style. I told her I understood. She asked when I was getting back. I told her I wasn't sure. She told me that I had better hurry up. She said that about four times, I think.

I remember when she was small, really small. She was this tiny little thing that had these ears that kind of stuck out, and she was always on the pale side. Life seemed much simpler then, much more reliable and clear. I would tell her a story, and she, my dependably-sassy niece, would roll her eyes and tell everyone else that I was just making something up. She'd smile her impish smile to let me know she saw right through my mischief.

There are few things I'd like more than to tell Kayla a story and have her smile that impish smile once more. I'd give a lot to see that smile.

posted by Bolo | 3:22 AM
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