Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



3 John 4
I have no greater joy than this, than to hear of my children walking in the truth.

I thought about this after talking to Boss the other night. I've known Brian for a while now, easily the better part of a decade. Sometimes, it seems like just yesterday we could be found in the brown comfy chairs at Ward, doing what we did best: being John and Brian. We didn't do that yesterday, though, or any other day in recent memory. In fact, I doubt that many, if any, tomorrows will look like that, either.

I remember the first time we met...I was Punk. Not a punk, mind you, but Punk. (Those of you who've seen that little video will understand.) Boss was merely Brian to me back then, and not yet the diminutive Filipino friend with whom I would go on to share so much: sessions at Kewalo's, meals at Gina's, and international phone calls spanning continents and oceans.

Through it all, I think I've come to realize what a profound influence he can have on my soul. When Boss is happy, I am happy. When Boss is sad, I am sad. This is more than just one of those "BFF" type of declarations; if anything, it's decidedly Christ-centered and selfless. You see, what I realized so long ago is that what makes Boss a guy I'm going to fight with my life for is that no matter what, I've consistently seen one thing in Him: a longing for Jesus.

When we conversed the other night, I told him as much. He's brutally honest, but that comes from wanting the truth so desperately. He hates the facades around him, and he longs to see through the things dim the Light. That's why hearing of him walking in the truth is such a joy: with Brian, beholding the truth and savoring it invariably becomes a shameless declaration of joy.

posted by Bolo | 6:20 PM
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