Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



High beyond imagination
Is the love of God to man;
Far too deep for human reason;
Fathom that it never can;
Love eternal
Richly dwells in Christ the Lamb.

Love like Jesus' none can measure,
Nor can its dimensions know;
'Tis a boundless, endless river,
And its waters freely flow.
O ye thirsty,
Come and taste its streams below.

Jesus loved, and loves for ever;
Zion on His heart does dwell;
He will never, never, never
Leave His church a prey to hell.
All is settled
And my soul approves it well.

Number 582 in Gadsby's Hymns, I've been listening to Red Mountain Church's rendition of these verses for the past week or so. It's caused me to ponder anew the love of God, namely, the love of God given in Christ. Experientially, that love is so strange, so...paradoxical. How so, you ask? Well, think of this: God's love gives life, yet it kills our sinful flesh, even our very desires, whether they be good or bad; God's love often seems to crush us when He actually works to build and strengthen us, desert us when He works to draw us near; God's love, though overwhelmingly infinite in its scope and dimension, is nevertheless beheld and beloved through the lens of life and its minute meanderings.

I picture in my head a vast river, one that God bids me to bend and drink of. The command to bend and drink seems to imply that I am to drink the river...all of it. Is it impossible to do? Yes, but that does not mean that I will not still bend and drink. God's love is like that: it is infinite, impossible to swallow in its entirety, yet that does not mean that we are not to drink deeply, continually, unceasingly, for we are still meant to have all of it.

posted by Bolo | 10:00 PM
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