Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Giving Thanks, 2007

Being that it's Thanksgiving, I think it largely appropriate that I write a little something about what I'm thankful for. The list is long, varied, and filled with incredibly wonderful people, places, and things. The fact that I'm short on time, however, will mean that I'll only list the first five things that come to mind. My mom may even sneak onto the list ;)

5. I'm thankful for my shoes. Without my shoes, my suits would undoubtedly look nowhere near as hot as they do. That, my dear friends, would be atrocious.

4. I'm thankful for my family. They, more than any others in this world, have "put up with me." That alone is cause enough for recognition and admiration, particularly in light of the fact that I rarely express my gratitude in an appropriate manner.

3. I'm thankful for fish. What else could cause such yearning within my gastrointestinal parts?

2. I'm thankful for my friends. How could I not be thankful for them? Endless entertainment, accurate admonition, stupendous sanctification...what more could a guy want?

1. I'm thankful for...well...Jesus :)

posted by Bolo | 8:36 PM
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