Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Walking & Talking

A few moments ago, Pablo and I were walking around the recently redeemed J-Bowl, talking about things as friends good friends do. I spoke to him of our unity as fellow members of Christ's body, as brothers, as friends. As we walked, I recalled how, at the beginning of the school year, he'd asked me be a true friend to him, to be the guy that would kick him in his tail when he needed it, or weep with him when he needed to weep. I recalled that I promised him I'd do just that.

As we walked, I lamented on how that promise was not kept.

I told my little Arizonian buddy that during his message in Dorm Meeting, I reflected upon the times this school year when he'd say to me, "I love you," or, "I miss you." I told him that in my heart, I'd often feel like running away, or even not wanting to respond. I also told him that during that Dorm Meeting message, the LORD showed me very clearly how my unresponsiveness to him was, ultimately, an unresponsiveness to Christ. It might as well have been our Lord telling me, "I love you," or, "I miss you," and finding in me a numb, hardened heart. In a sense, it was.

The LORD is very kind to me. Though I am unfaithful to Him, His faithfulness to me never fails. I say that not because I came up with that on my own, but because He has said it in His Word. What's more, I say that because I find that truth to be beautiful, humbling, and particularly encouraging for one who has desperate need of encouragement. I also say it not in a spirit of irreverence, but in thankfulness to the LORD, knowing that outside of His grace to me in Christ, I could not even have such a blessed conversation with my little Arizonian buddy.

posted by Bolo | 6:06 PM
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