Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



I've got Zayne's birthday invitation propped up on my keyboard. Maybe I should get Makana's out, too, so Mon doesn't get motherly jealousy. Didn't pay a penny for the food I acquired today. Nick Crouse is the only person on the planet who knows what it is to express information. Honey Nut Cheerios at 2:30 in the morning? Heck yeah. Also free, by the way. When the Admissions Office gives you a list of high school students to call concerning Boyce College, you'd better hope that if it's a young lady you're calling that whoever answers the phone has already heard of Boyce College, 'cause if not, you're going to sound really really really awkward trying to explain precisely why you're some dude with a deep and distinctly masculine voice from Boys College calling a teenage girl he doesn't even know or want to know or even wishes to speak to any more. Yeah. Just as everyone was walking in to Dorm Meeting tonight, I turned to Scott and said of a certain young man, "He opens his mouth so much that every so often, he says something really profound." Detroit next weekend?

posted by Bolo | 2:30 AM
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