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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


What I Know

This morning, Dave and I talked about what it looked like to develop and use our gifts for the edification of the church body. When he asked me what I wanted to do with my gifts, I sat in my chair, looked him in the eyes, shifted my weight, took a sip of my coffee, looked out at a passing car, took a deep breath, and then looked back at Dave and said, "I don't really know."

Before you chalk that statement up to indecisiveness, take a minute to hear me out. It's not that I don't know what I can do, nor that I don't know what I'd like to do. In fact, that's hardly the case, as I know well what I do enjoy doing, as well as what things I can do with a certain degree of skill.

When I told Dave, "I don't really know," I was not expressing doubt in what God has given me. Instead, I was expressing my doubt in my ability to use what God has given me well.

Let me explain.

I've been reading a fantasy series by Terry Goodkind. In it, the main character, Richard, has weapons and powers at his disposal that go far beyond that of almost anyone else he crosses paths with. Ironically enough, Richard started out as a simple woods guide, and never wanted his life of power, influence, and fame. Those who do cross paths with him are struck by how rare an individual he is, not seeking to use what he is to dictate his actions, but rather, who he is. In essence, he remains the same person: a man of astounding character.

Over the past several days and weeks, Scott and I have had a few conversations on what it means to lead others, both personally and generally. Through it all, I keep hearing one thing resurfacing: character leads. If we are to minister to others, it will be our character that will shine through. Do we lean upon the LORD and hope in His promises? Are we humble in serving our fellow man? Do we give of ourselves sacrificially, even joyfully? Are we embracing with faithfulness the thankless toil that so often scars the Christian in the world, yet crowns him in heaven? That's what came up this morning yet again as Dave and I sat and talked, thinking through our cups of coffee.

I know the things I'd like to do. They are, for the most part, things that I would embrace, things that would be easy to do. They are also, undoubtedly, things that I'm not ready for. My heart shirks away from humility and thankless toil; it wants to be acknowledged, yearns for attention. Yet, I think that it is there, where the voices of other men and women cannot intrude, that the voice of God speaks words of grace and peace, training the heart to hear and heed His voice.

posted by Bolo | 1:21 AM
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