Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


I'm Feelin' It

Textures fascinate me. Smooth, soft, gritty, bumpy, slick, rough: even the words used to describe textures can themselves evoke various feelings and reactions.

Sometimes, words come to be associated with tangible, physical feelings we've experienced. For instance, the word "silk" would rarely make someone think of an itchy wool sweater. By the same token, merely seeing the word "cashmere" near a stack of sweaters in a store is enough to make me walk over and feel the fabric.

Of course, the physical sense of touch is not the only means by which one can experience the textures of the world around us; seeing will often suffice. I need not give my dad a foot massage to know what his heels feel like from years of walking, as their cracked, dry, and crumbly images are firmly chiseled upon my memory. Nor, for that matter, need I touch my youngest nephew's cheek as he sleeps to know what almost anyone could surmise: his cheek feels soft, unmarred by exposure to the sun, and still very fresh and new.

Yup...I like textures...they're fascinating.

posted by Bolo | 10:13 PM
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