Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Thanks: Giving It

I have this tendency. It's not one I particularly care for, but nevertheless, it remains. This tendency causes me to forget the things I should be thankful for, the things that ought to make me stop in the middle of a chilly walk from Fuller to Honeycutt, look up at the boundless canopy above me, and say to no one in particular, "Wow." This tendency puts up an absurd wall, one whereby I neglect to look friends in the eye and, with all the sincerity my silly heart can muster, say, "Thank you."

Thanksgiving Day is less than a full day away. This means that many are brought face to face with the reality of what they ought to be thankful for. Sadly enough, the closest many of us get to having true thanksgiving take on flesh and bone comes in the consumption of way too much roasted fowl. All of us know, of course, that there's more to it than heavily-laden tables and stomachs, but how many of us really allow our thanks to be expressed in proper fashion? Quite frankly, I know that I don't.

What this means, gentle reader, is that for the next two days or so, I'll attempt to give voice and form to the things I'm grateful for. Whatever comes to mind is fair game, so if you're expecting to see something that you do not, have no fear! There may be a particular order, there may not be. There may be a particular structure; then again, maybe not. The point of what I write will be to express thanks. Hopefully, it will be expressed truly, and yea, I even hold out the hopes that it would be expressed fully. I doubt that, though; I've much to give thanks for.

posted by Bolo | 2:47 AM
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