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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Thoughts on God: Introductory Matters

Having had about a week to look back and mull over what God's stirred within me this summer, I figure that it's about time I come out and share those thoughts with you. The original request was for a "Top Ten;" while I have nearly ten jotted down in a saved draft, I'm not so certain that the ones I list today will end up being the ones I write about. I say that because I'm going to pursue one vein of thought each day, hoping to mine whatever God has placed in my heart on that particular topic. This means that it'll take longer than a week to write out this series in its entirety, and therefore, much could change to warrant a different topic being written on. God could bring to mind something that's happened that I'd forgotten about, or even cause me to see a new facet of whatever He's already taught me.

That being said, here are, in no particular order, some of the topics that could be covered: weakness and faith; being the "workmanship" of God in Christ; William Cowper's hymn, There is a Fountain Filled With Blood; being a garbage man; the supremacy of Christ and His subsequent worthiness as a Servant; Christ's covenant with His bride; and the cross displaying publicly the punishment of sin, our sin, my sin.

Lord willing, I'll actually get those written out. Merely thinking back to the thoughts and emotions that God has stirred within me in recent months has been an excercise of grace. Mulling over them has been much more so. Writing them out, I pray, will saturate my soul and yours with still greater torrents of grace.

posted by Bolo | 2:22 PM
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