Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Malicious Mockery

"That's an ugly shirt."

To the best of my recollection, those were the first words I can remember Andy Amuro ever speaking to me. He said them with a smirk on his face, too. A slightly innocent smirk, mind you, but a smirk nonetheless. I didn't know Andy very well at that point, if at all, yet he fairly went out of his way to verbally opine on that shirt of mine. I had an inkling that he was enjoying his volatile volley immensely, and his pleasure only increased at my face's mystified expression. Little did I know that my shirt, one clearly in support of The University of Notre Dame's football team, was so offensive to Mr. Amuro, an alumnus of The University of Michigan.

My ignorance was soon remedied, and a long litany of mutual and mildly malicious (and sometimes not-so-mild) mockery was soon to ensue between the two of us. That being the case, we've not had occasion to enjoy our verbal boxing within recent memory, if only because distance (as well as, I might add, Irish domination) has created a heretofore convenient cushion to pad our Maize and Blue buddy from the black and blue.

Looks like the boxing match is back on. I received from the esteemed Mr. Amuro this email, timestamped just a few hours back:

hi sMeag

sending My condolences.


That's how the email appears, capitalization and all, with not a single mistake; Mr. Amuro, much like myself, pays fine attention to detail over such matters. He meant to type precisely what he typed. If you don't get his strange employment of his keyboard's shift key, go back and read this over again. And think, for goodness' sake!

posted by Bolo | 11:33 PM
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