Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


He Did

"God did that!"

That's what I want to be able to say when I look at the world around me. I want to think in God-terms. If I look at the creation around me as it relates to Him, I presume that means that I'll be forced to look at God as He relates to His creation. Just what does that relation entail?

A lot.

He measures out the waters of the sea in the hollow of His hand; that's a big hand! He calls out to the stars, addressing them by their names. The stars are far off and aloof to my 20/40 eyes, but God knows them well, having placed them, named them, and sustaining them. This same hand, this hand that has held the seas and placed blazing, burning hot stars in their place, is yet gentle enough to tend to us as lambs, tender enough to wipe away every tear.

"God did that!" I desperately want to be able to have my heart say that, over and over and over again. But you know what? I find it to be difficult, I really do. I forget God; more precisely, I forget Christ.

When the Father gazes upon us, seeing us with all the righteousness of His Son, He says to Himself, "I did that!" And why can He say that? It is because He has sent His Son to die in our place, a bloody sacrifice made to appease His holy wrath against our sin. We are His workmanship, created in Christ! We now look like Him, smell like Him, and live like Him, for we have already died with Him.

It's true...God did that!

posted by Bolo | 9:23 AM
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