Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Top Ten

Now that the school year has arrived, classes have started, and everyone's into the full swing of things, I've managed to get a grip on a few thoughts of mine that have coalesced with clarity. Therefore, here are my Top Ten Thoughts that have come to me during the course of writing this post. Yup :)

10. Just as there always seems to be, there are many, many, many people in the gym these days. Given another month of classes and the first wave of mid-terms, however, students will begin to drop like the leaves of autumn from the ranks of those who faithfully torture themselves in the gym on a weekly basis.

9. As Will Kynes keenly observed, all the new kids who showed up at The Duck and the Goose the other night don't realize that such parties are not the course du jour. Oh well. They'll learn soon enough.

8. Yes, you're right, Tree, that Rob kid has a gun. Or should I say, "guns?"

7. The new additions to campus have, by and large, received positive reviews. If only they'd add back the washers and dryers they subtracted from Fuller, my clothes would receive positive reviews, too.

6. I nearly had a mid-life crisis when one dude told me he was born in 1989. Next year, there'll be some kid that enrolls who will tell me he or she was born in 1990. That's not even the eighties. Gross.

5. The kind folks at Housing are my heroes. I'm taking them macadamia nuts covered in chocolate as soon as I can swing it. If you don't know why they're my heroes, ask Scott. Woohoo!

4. Speaking of Scott, I dig his schedule this semester. So does he. If you don't know why, just keep reading over the course of the next few months, and you'll probably get the picture.

3. This semester is shaping up to be vastly different from any other. I don't know why, but it just feels that way. I admit that it's a strange thing to think and feel when I don't have a reason, but still, the feeling is there. Hmmm.

2. Scott and Em are on my couch right now, and they're kinda whispering. Now that is weird. Married people whispering on a couch. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

1. I still need to get my suit back from Lucas. I keep remembering it every so often, and I keep forgetting about it after I remember. Oh well. It happens, ya know? Wool crepe...heck yeah :)

posted by Bolo | 5:46 PM
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