Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Collision Course

I gave 'Drew a call on the way back to campus when we about fifteen minutes left in our trip from Madison, and he was on his way to Gaithersburg. When he'd mentioned the possibility of going to Sovereign Grace's Worship Conference a while back, I thought it'd be cool if he went, if only because it's been over two and a half years since he's seen Jim. A lot's happened since those days in January '04, and I've no doubt that the two of them will catch up over a meal or two while 'Drew's in Maryland. During the course of our conversation, I told Andrew that it blessed me to know that two of my friends, with whom I share such close friendships individually, would be able to renew an acquaintance they themselves had begun to build in the midst of that other Sovereign Grace conference. It's something that makes me happy, for it's an evidence of overwhelming grace. I mean, who would think that I'd have such friends? I certainly don't deserve them, and I thoroughly find myself shocked that they trust me the way they do. *Sigh*...regardless, they're probably hanging out right now, talking about who knows what. "Well basically..."

posted by Bolo | 11:58 PM
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