Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



It's the 18th of July. For Boyce College students everywhere, no matter where we are, this means that we're down to less than one month until the 2006 - 2007 school year starts. For student leaders, that time frame is even shorter. For a certain Hawaiian guy, this will be the start of his eighfffsssmmpphth semester at Boyce College.

Each year here has been distinct and unique. Just yesterday, it seems, I was working at the Louisville Country Club, rolling towels and watching the Weather Channel for storms, daydreaming about the summer swells and softball leagues I was missing out on back at home. I rummage through the seemingly countless memories of Will answering when I called Andrew's dorm room phone, and I can remember joking about that with the two of them just a little over a month and a half ago. It's odd now to think about Christmas away from home, and hearing Scott's voice remind me that there had to be a "first time."

Ironically enough, this Christmas will be the fourth straight December away from the other crazy Letotos, that family that insists upon opening presents at 2 o'clock on Christmas morning, the big kids dragging the little kids out of bed 'cause we want to open our wrapped goodies (even if Lisa already unwrapped and re-wrapped all of hers already). I'm not certain if this is good or not, but being away for Christmas doesn't seem nearly so vile as it once did. Hmmm.

The school year is imminent, and my emotions on it are mixed. I'm excited, yes, but I'd also be fine if it were pushed back a month...or five. I love where the LORD has me, and I love where He's taking me. *Sigh* well, it's gotta happen sometime, right? :)

posted by Bolo | 2:46 PM
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