Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Basket Cases

The thought for the day goes something like this: The Christian life, or at least my Christian life, requires me to put all of my proverbial eggs in one basket. If I don't trust Jesus, and do so with every part of my life, I'm not really trusting Him, am I? If I'm holding back something, holding on to it dearly and stubbornly, what good does it do me? Not much, not much, yet Christ is far more patient than I, and will wait until what I withhold is properly given. But I find that though I know I ought to trust, and it is to my good and His glory for me to do so, I fear to give Him all. Why's that? It's simple, really, and absurdly so. I find that the eggs I'm to put into the basket are rotten, reeking and unmistakably unholy. Why in the world would Christ want any part of such things? Why would He want any part of me, when all I have to give Him is something I wouldn't even want for myself? *Sigh*...trusting Christ is such a humiliating thing, is it not?

posted by Bolo | 11:28 PM
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