Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Some of you know Paul Butterworth. Of those who do know him, many of you call him Pablo. For those of you who don't know him at all, but have read my blog for any substantial amount of time, you may recall this young man as being one who is thoughtful, articulate, and downright unique. Hilliard and I like to think of him as a mix of several well-known Star Wars characters. It does our comparison well that Pablo is well-known to be a Star Wars Geek.

Today, however, I have no desire to discuss Star Wars. If anything, my only aim is to inform you, if you do not already know, that Pablo is in Thailand at the moment, serving an internship on an overseas summer mission. What you do with this information is up to you. However, I would recommend to you his blog. Much like Pablo himself, it's thoughtful, articulate, and yes, even downright unique in a Pablo "The Quote Machine" Butterworth sort of way. My not-so-secret hope is that you'll click the link, read his Thailand posts, and take the time to pray for him. Perhaps you'll even begin to follow his journey as it takes him through Thailand in service to King Jesus. It's well worth the time to read; even more worth the time to pray.

posted by Bolo | 2:27 PM
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