Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Morning Meandering

So the other morning, after I'd gotten off of work at 6 AM and then gone to Java with the roomie, I felt a little adventurous. The sun had just risen, the air was crisp, and the morning was ripe with possibilities. I'd been wanting to go into Cherokee Park and snap off a few photos for a long while, but just hadn't found opportunity and time to do so. Well...opportunity and time was upon me.

After freezing my butt off in the park, I decided to head back to campus. Slight problem, though. Cherokee Park is like the Hotel can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Well, almost. I've not quite mastered the art of getting back out the same way I came in, so I figured I'd just drive until I recognized one of the roads. Didn't happen, so I changed my strategy to on where I'd keep going until I got out of the park and then I'd drive until I recognized one of the roads. Didn't happen, because as I was driving, I was suckered in by that stream near Seneca Park Road. There's something about taking pictures with a camera that has no waterproof housing above icy-cold running water that beckons to the little boy in me. Soooo, before I knew it, I found myself hopping from rock to rock, always in the hopes of snapping off just oooone more butt-freezing shot. *Brrr*...was it worth it? You be the judge.

posted by Bolo | 2:35 AM
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