Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Pretty Much the Best Monday Ever

In light of yesterday's post concerning my rather tumultuous friendship with a certain Scott David O'Neal, I must say that he did recently supply me with with Pretty Much the Best Monday Ever. I would not want to sound as if our friendship was on the rocks, for that most certainly is not the case. Quite the contrary! This past Monday was...wonderful. He unexpectedly called me at some point in the afternoon, while he was in the airport waiting to get on his flight back to Louisville. I told him how I'd had a great weekend...eating Breyer's ice myself...watching the corn in the cornfield grow in front of my sister's myself...thinking of how I used to grow corn in high school, and how it went great with turkey (that's right, Turkey...not Burkey...Turkey)...yeah, we had a thrilling conversation :)

Well, kinda.

He could only stay on the line for a few minutes, and the majority of the time was taken up because he had to pay attention to the announcements. Still, he was kind enough to listen to me intermitently, which was more than enough to make me happy. After all, he was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to call, what joy his rather negligent-sounding voice brought to my heart! What thrills raced through my soul upon hearing that he may take some time to spend with me this upcoming semester! Maybe even by mid-terms!

So yes. Scott made this past Monday...well...Pretty Much the Best Monday Ever. *Sigh*...what joy! What hope! What a glow he has brought to my countenance!


posted by Bolo | 4:46 PM
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