Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Call Log

9:41 AM. 10:45 AM. 11:49 AM. Those are the calls that I missed this morning from a certain Scott David O'Neal. He left two voicemails, the second of which went something like this: "John Letoto. I have been calling you aaaallll morning, and you have not answered at all. I am beginning to doubt whether or not you are my friend." Of course, what he neglected to consider was the fact that I was working at Banana Republic from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Of course, when I happened to call him back as soon as I ended my shift, he was talking to some girl named Emily. Of course, me being the incredibly important friend that I am, he doesn't even answer the first time around, and then he brushes me off and tells me he'll call me back later, waaaay later, 'cause he's talking to some hot chick.

I think he likes her or something. Hmmm...I don't think he even has time for a girlfriend. I wonder if she knows that...*shrug*.

posted by Bolo | 1:50 PM
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