Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Random. Really Random.

Dave's birthday was yesterday. He's 36 now. When I mentioned his being closer to 40 than 30, he said, "Mon's still older!" You know, the whole thing strikes me as quite remarkable when I think about it. My three older sisters all married guys younger than them. Malia may be the first who doesn't, but who knows when that'll happen.

Approximately 4 hours ago, Michelle replied to my email. When speaking of Goose, she said, "he saw that you emailed me, and I quote: 'He emailed you? Bastard.'" *Sigh*...I miss those guys...they make me smile... :)

Yesterday, I walked into the computer lab on campus to drop off some stuff to Scott. He was in there working on a sermon. The really amusing/cute/warm&fuzzyallover thing was that he had a couple pictures of Emily propped up on the desktop in front of him. I asked him if he needed a frame for them. Hey, whatever inspires proper exposition of God's Word, right? ;)

Second interview at Banana went really well. I think, in all honesty, about as close to perfect as it could have gotten. It's not like I'm starving for work hours, but a second job would be nice, particularly during the school year. We'll see, though.

So. I get the following error message in Outlook Express:

The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was ''. Subject: '', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 ... Relaying Denied', Port: 25, Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

I get a similar error in Mozilla's Thunderbird. Relaying Denied. Bleh. So what do I do? What any good techie would do. I hit up Did that help? Well...sorta. Check it:

This problem affects all messaging clients, regardless of manufacturer.

Customers should contact their ISP for assistance since this problem is not caused by the e-mail client. From a messaging client standpoint, there are no solutions for customers who have ISP's that block all SMTP Relay traffic.

Most of the new SMTP e-mail gateway software can allow relaying for specific IP addresses. This is how cable modem and ADSL users will be able to continue to use their same ISP. The cable modem or ADSL provider must provide the customer a static IP address, in turn, the customer's e-mail ISP will allow relaying for that specific IP address. Banks of IP addresses can also be allowed which may provide a workaround for some corporate customers who access ISP's through their corporate LAN.

Translation? At the very least, I would need a static IP. And we don't got one. Doh! Perhaps sitting on the school's network would help out. In any event, I'll need to send my Ambassador emails through Outlook's web interface, 'cause I can't send 'em from home. Bleh.

posted by Bolo | 7:01 AM
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