Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



It was a tough weekend. A good one in retrospect, but a tough one nonetheless. *Sigh*...sometimes I wish I weren't so dense, you know? But I am. I'm a dork, a wretched dork, and yet God loves me. Yeah...God loves me. That's such a simple truth, but oh deep a truth that is!

Yesterday, in Dr. Wellum's Theology III class, I was hit with the truth of my standing before the Lord in Christ. We're covering Salvation (or what's also known as "Soteriology" in the world of academia, if you want tangible proof of what my $180 a credit hour is getting me) right now, and Justification was the flavor of the day. The Good Doctor went into the ideas of how we stand as righteous before the Lord, with all of Christ's righteousness imputed to us. In other words, we "legally" stand before the Righteous Judge with all the righteousness of Christ credited to us. If that was not enough, Doc also differentiated between being "justified" and being "vindicated," even though they're really the same. In essence, even though we now stand fully justified and righteous before the Lord, there will come a Day of Judgment, wherein all will stand before the Lord to give account. On that day, we, as those whom He has chosen, will be vindicated and declared before all as justified. Does that make sense? It did when Dr. Wellum explained it. I suppose that's why he gets to put "Dr." in front of his name ;)

In any event, the thought of being able to look forward to the day of judgment (vindication) had never before really hit me the way it did yesterday. Perhaps, for whatever reason, I'd doubted God's promise. Maybe it was a misunderstanding of what that day would hold, maybe it was a sense of guilt; either way, it's a blessing to look forward to that day and savor it. It's also a great reminder that right now, right now, I am righteous in God's sight, because I am in Christ. Wow.

posted by Bolo | 11:48 PM
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