Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



So. I like talking to Mr. Mikami. Our conversations follow an inevitable pattern: I greet him with a, "Mister Mikami." He responds with a, "what's happening, man?" After that, we dialogue for a little bit with idle chit chat, and then launch into the meat of things. It's at that point where one of us will start to spill the beans and talk about whatever's been happening...really happening.

Last night was no different.

It had been one month since we'd last month since I was sitting in the airport at the Honolulu International Airport, waiting to board a plane that would be taking me on the first leg of my trip back to Louisville, Kentucky...Snow Country, as Boss would put it. The last time I spoke with Kevin, I was confused beyond belief, filled with questions that had many answers, yet answers that were void of solutions. One month later, it seems that those solutions still elude me :) Yet, something has undeniably changed. I told Kev that I've often questioned whether or not I'm growing, whether or not I'm living the life that I'm called to live in Christ. The frustrations of life have caused me more grief than I care to admit, either to myself or to others. Yet, in the midst of all of this, I have found over and over again that God is indeed growing me, even in spite of me. Those eureka moments come when I talk to someone like Kevin, someone who just sits there and listens to me while I untangle the discord I've tied myself into.

That's what I like about talking to Kev; he listens, really listens. It's something that's hard to find in someone. I think that that's the real secret to our conversations, truth be's good to have a friend who listens. Thanks, Kev :)

posted by Bolo | 11:30 AM
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