Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


He's Moody

You know what I like about John Moody? When he asks me, "how are you doing?" I always get the impression that he's asking because he really wants to know. How do I know this? Well, for one thing, I've known John for a decent amount of time. For another, when I ask him that, he always answers with a real answer, even if it's a concise answer. But both of those only serve to underline something he shared a while back. We were at someone's house...I think the house belonged to some friends of Lisa Scholl's...and John shared a little about being at Southern and Boyce. He said the one thing that really discouraged him was how much we talked about Jesus, but not what Jesus was doing in our lives. That stuck with me; not only did it make me think about what Jesus was doing in my life then, but it continues to make me think about what He's doing in my life now. I'm forced to think about that through the joys, pains, failures (many), sins (again, many), and lessons...and it's a hard thing to think about at times.

Believe it or not, it's sometimes harder to realize what the Lord is doing when I'm on our Beloved Campus. It's 'cause I get my Holy Head stuck up my Holy Butt, and I forget that we're all real people who are dealing with real pains and problems. What's more, I forget that the World is full of real people, and that those people are totally ignorant when it comes to the real solution to their real problems. Thank God for people like John Moody. He reminds me that my theology is only as good as it is when I'm applying it. And if my theology is good, then it isn't really "my" theology...

posted by Bolo | 11:04 AM
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