Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Many Greetings

It's a great thing to see old friends. It's even better when those friends are people that watched and helped you grow up, and you've not seen them in over a year and a half :) Going back to FCF this morning was great, if only because I was able to see a lot of people I missed greatly. Gary nearly killed me with his hug (not that I'm complaining!), and Sam gave his fellow Bald Brother a nice Bald Brother greeting. Lynn said I was a, "sight for sore eyes," to which I was rather speechless.

Even though a lot of things have changed at FCF, it's good to see that some things haven't. I woke up much later than I had intended, and got there a little later than I had intended. Thus, it was quite ironic when I stepped out of the car in the parking lot and saw Andrew getting out of his car, too. What else should I have expected? When will Andrew and John not walk into someplace late together? *Sigh*'s good to be home :)

posted by Bolo | 3:42 PM
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