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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Enlarge My Heart

Psalm 119:32

I shall run the way of Your commandments,

For You will enlarge my heart.

I remember reading in The Pleasures of God a reminder of the Lord's promise that we will one day behold our Savior in all His glorious majesty, His face radiant and beautiful, shining brighter than the sun. We will rejoice as never before on that day, for in beholding Him we will do so with a capacity to gaze upon the glorious Son as only the Lord can. Indeed, to gaze upon the Son as He is revealed in His glory is not only blinding beyond belief, it is beyond unworthy wretches such as ourselves! Yet, when we finally do behold Him, we can do so knowing that we are to do so freely and joyfully; indeed, we will!

That is the climax of the enlarging of the heart that the psalmist speaks of here. While on earth, however, we are engaged in a constant and heated battle against sin. Sin, for whatever reason, does not want to quit. It does not acknowledge its defeat, and its wiley ways are still to be found springing forth from our hearts with a cruel smile. Sin exults in whatever tiny victories it can get, for it is in such tiny victories that it gains ground. And where, you ask, does it gain ground? On our hearts...on our hearts. Our capacity to enjoy the Lord, to delight in Him, to be satisfied in Him and Him alone, that is where sin works to gain ground. For when we give up precious portions of our hearts to sin, we give up precious portions of enjoyment of the Lord in our lives. What could be more horrible to the Lord's beloved? Could it be that tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakednes, or peril, or sword ought to cause our hearts to quaver? No! None of those are more horrendous to the Lord's precious child than to find him or herself with a shriveled capacity to enjoy and savor and glory in the Lord!

To run the way of the Lord's commandments is to joyfully obey and delightfully seek to live His word. It is to trust Him with our whole heart and to not lean on our own understanding. It is to seek Him with all we are, bringing before Him all our sin and all our talent, knowing that we cannot add to anything He is, but that all we are is still His to pour out for His glory. It is to hope in Christ alone and to relish in our weaknesses, for our weaknesses (and failures!) are to His glory. It is to count all as loss in view of Christ, living with the hopeful expectancy rooted in the knowledge that though we are aliens and strangers while here on earth, we have a citizenship that is sealed for us in heaven. It is to live full of hope in the knowledge of the promise of the enlarging of our hearts, for we shall one day gaze with rapturous and reverential joy upon the countenance of our beloved Savior :)

Yes, Father, enlarge my heart! Do not let me wallow in my sin, but as You root it out according to Your lovingkindness, cleanse me and wipe the hideous effects of sin from my soul. Grant to me the desire and delight to look upon Your Son, gazing upon Him and hoping in Him. Let such beholding cause me to become more like Him, and do not fail to form Him within me. Even more, let such change come with overflowing, that I might live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ!

posted by Bolo | 1:19 PM
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