Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



I'm really supposed to finish up the work I have here in the computer lab, but I figured I'd take a little breakety-break to share a little as to what exactly is going on within this most disturbingly hirsute pate (relatively, of course) of mine.

I'm tired. I really am. I know I know I know, I've been saying that for a while now. Well, so I have; yet, such a backdrop renders this weariness no less valid. In fact, if these past few weeks hadn't been so hard, I wouldn't be as worn out as I am right now. I'm looking forward to the end of the semester, but not simply so that I can be done. No, I really do need the time to heal...desperately, in all honesty.

I told Scott last night after Dorm Meeting that I just really need the Lord right now. Father, in Your grace, draw me near. I told Scott that I feel drained; not really dry, but drained. It's as if every little bit I've received from the Lord has been quickly sapped up by the circumstances clouding my heart. Father, show me Your glory. If I'm to truly be healed, it'll be when the Lord fills my heart with His living water to overflowing.

*Sigh* know what? I have a sneaky feeling I'm looking at this with such a human perspective. What I mean when I say that is that I think that I'll look back upon this one day and realize that the Lord has filled me and sustained me far more than I would've ever suspected. Although I've felt lonely and so much in the dark, He's sat right next to me and watched over me. Although I've felt like I've been doing all the work, straining and scratching and clawing my way through each weary day, He's removed everything that would've been too much for me to handle. *Sigh*...yes, my perspective is far too human for me to truly see the Lord's faithfulness.

That just reminds me of how I really need to thank Him that He knows what He's doing, you know? 'Cause I sure don't :) Hmmm...maybe, just maybe, I might already be realizing how He's sustained me...and how much more I'll need Him to continue sustaining me.

posted by Bolo | 8:46 PM
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