Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Lessons in Learning

Church kicks my butt, then it helps me back up. The first mid-term was somewhat bittersweet. Dr. Brand is infamous for having difficult first mid-terms; if you pass at all, you did fine. So it was with only a minor degree of disappointment that I garnered a score that was somewhat "like everyone else's" in the class. Still, Mon nailed me when she said, "John Boy, you're not everyone else." Ouch. She'd given me the mommy look when she said that, too.

The second mid-term was taken last week, and we got it back today. Stomped on that thing. By God's grace, I nailed it. You know what Mon will probably say, though? "Well you should." That's what sisters are for, right? I feel the love, I feel the love ;)

On to more serious matters.

The hurting lessens somewhat. I put it this way to Gary: it's gone from the intense, sharp pain you get when you sprain an ankle to the dull, almost itchy ache you endure for a long, long time while it heals. The Lord has been so very good through all of this, though. He's caused me to see His faithfulness, His love, His grace. Those are just words in my mind, more often than not, yet through this they've taken on a tangible weight and texture that my heart has felt keenly. As I look over the past several days, I've come to recognize that I'm learning a lot and will continue to do so. However, such learning comes not by consciously apprehending and comprehending the lessons, but by simply waking up in the morning and reminding myself to breathe. God's teaching me, and I can only hold on for the duration of the lesson.

posted by Bolo | 10:23 PM
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