Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Thinking and Pumpkin Pie

Some of my friends claim that I think too much. Perhaps it's true. Sitting outside of Ward Starbucks, some acquaintances of mine would often ask Boss if I was "ok." He'd tell them, "oh yeah...he's just thinking. He'll talk again when he's ready." I miss Boss. He understood that. Sometimes, I just need friends who don't need to say anything. Well, not that Boss wouldn't say anything; quite the contrary ;) It's just that we could sit for hours on end and not feel the need to talk. That's a good thing, if you ask me. Same with Andrew. We could just sit and talk. *Sigh*...I miss those guys...I miss cruising out to Da Country with them. That's a good thing to do. Soon, hopefully, soon.

Andrew told me last night (actually, early this morning) some news that made me smile really, really large. Problem is, I can't share it here. Hehe. Life is like that, sometimes. Oh'll be something I pray about and think about and hope about for the next several months. I'll implore the Lord to remember how weak and frail the two of us are...hopefullly, the Lord will listen to my pathetic pleas ;)

I stopped in at Barnes & Noble on Hurstbourne the other night. Royce had called before I left Indy, and he had asked me to come down to meet with him and a couple of friends. So I go down there, and after a while of chillin' with him and Chriyus and Rachel, a few other folks from school walk in. One of them is Chris Bond. Bond gets a phone call from Jessica Bailey, and since Jessica Bailey had promised to save me some of the pumpkin pie she'd made the night before, I grab the phone from Bond and say, "where's my pumpkin pie?!?!?!?!" Nevermind that Josh had just proposed to Bailey, nevermind that Bailey was quite happy and that I fall into the rare category of being the one guy that she turns to for advice (like clothes and what to do with Josh) normally reserved for just her girlfriends, nevermind that I already knew they were engaged and should have offered congratulatory remarks; I still asked for the pumpkin pie ;)

posted by Bolo | 4:40 PM
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