Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



Do you know what irks me? Today, the list is a rather terse one. There's really only one item on the list: the frustration of writing a rather lengthy blog post (1300 words or more), sending it in via email from work, and then having it not show up for reasons that only the cyberspace gods truly comprehend.

Yup. That's the only thing that irks me today. This is despite the fact that my car broke down again for the second time in four days (first battery, now the alternator), I'm running on short sleep again because I've been trying to get this car situation squared away, and I have oodles of studying and other work to get done. odd that out of all the things happening today, the lost post should be the one thing that gets on my nerves. Perhaps because it's the lack of control I have over that situation. I mean, I can have the car fixed, I can get my studying done (that's what coffee is for....mmm...good coffee, strong coffee...mmmm), and I can still make my ambassador calls today. Yet it's the possibility that my lengthy post is utterly, undeniably, unforgivingly lost that irks me. The finality of the situation is rather disconcerting to me. The fact that I'm still writing must say something about my state of mind; the fact that you're still reading this must say something about your state of mind ;)

posted by Bolo | 2:40 PM
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