Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...



I drove Jessica Bailey back to Mullins last night after Dorm Meeting. She still had that pumpkin pie she'd saved for me, and she more than came through on her end. The pie was excellent with some ice cream :) Prior to driving her back and obtaining the pumpkin pie, in the moments just after Dorm Meeting Cassie came up to me and handed me a box. Contained within the box? Doughnuts...about six or so leftover doughnuts from Founder's. They coat The Warm and Fuzzy Spot when heated enough to melt the glaze a little :) Earlier in the day, I'd gotten one of those little red cards in my mailbox indicating that I had a package waiting for me at the post office window. The contents of the package? Cookies from Jewel. Those cookies were...ahhh...heavenly...I even managed to share a little. Imagine that!

Wow. Talk about manna from heaven :) The Lord does ineed provide!

Scott wanted to roll out to McDonald's to get a cone tonight, about an hour before the midnight curfew. When someone else asked if they could come along, Scott said "sorry, this is Scott and Toto time." Well put :) Though he wasn't the first to call me Toto, he can claim credit for popularizing it. The ride out to McDonald's was good...simple, uncomplicated. Happy times for happy guys. It's another way the Lord provides :)

Earlier tonight I chilled at Java with Bailey. She has a few papers to write, and I needed to start working on a message for tomorrow night's youth group at church. She's good for that...we can sit and talk...she's one of the few girls here I can let my proverbial hair down in front of :) I was kind of bummed for her when we left Java, though. Just before we were going to leave, her laptop shut down on her, and she hadn't saved her work. DOH. Big, BIG, BIG DOH! She looked like she was ready to cry. I hate that look. Guys feel like jerks when that happens, even if we had absolutely nothing to do with it. Well, we should have absolutely nothing to do with it. When we do have something to do with it, and we don't feel like jerks, we should have other guys come and beat us down for a bit. Anyway, she looked like she wasn't in very good shape, and I hate it when that happens. Doh!

Here's what I've got brewing in my head. It's a little too late to expound on these, but I'll put them down here so as to keep myself accountable to writing another post with fully developed thoughts.

First, satisfaction in the Lord. At last night's Dorm Meeting, we sang often about "one thing" being thing. That one thing was the Lord Himself, or in other cases, being in His presence. Really though, they're the same desire, for when we speak of seeking "one thing," we speak of being satisfied only in the Lord. I told Scott tonight that I can hear John Piper's voice echoing in my head..."satisfy me, O God, satisfy me! Satisfy me! Satisfy me!"

Second, Psalm 27:8. Check out what David says:

When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You,

"Your face, O LORD, I shall seek."

When you look at that command from the Lord to David, it seems harmless enough. If anything, it seems something a good thing! Yet, remember what the Lord tells Moses in Exodus 33: "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!" Whoa. Almost a death command! If that's not enough, look again at 2 Corinthians 4 where Paul writes, "For God, who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." We see God's glory revealed in what? The face of Christ. When discussing this with Scott, he mentioned it might be worthwhile to also look at the various meanings and connotations the word "face" carried.

More on these tomorrow.

posted by Bolo | 11:56 PM
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