Smeagol is Free!
A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


In Touch

Julie recently asked me this question: "Why do you still keep in touch with me?" It's a legitamate question, but one that caught me somewhat off-guard. Yet, it's Julie, so...well...not entirely out of character. She may even feel uncomfortable that I'm writing about her question on my blog...then again, maybe not...but she may wonder who else is reading this and now has a little bit of insight into her friendship with me. Oh well. Such is the price of being my friend: you get written about ;)

To answer Julie's question, I think I have to go back quite a ways. Oh my goodness, this pineapple is good! Sorry, I'm eating as I write, and WOOHOO this pineapple hits the spot! No, wait, it doesn't hit the spot; it coats it. No, wait, it saturates it. Mmmmmm! Reminds me of home :) Sorry, back to Julie. I've known Julie for years? Yeah, almost four years. Wow. Has it been that long? Yeah, I think so. WOW.

My first impression of Julie was this: "Can something that small really be a Sophomore in High School?" My second impression: "Whoa, little girl's got an attitude!"

Fortunately, Julie would show me a lot of her true attitude in the years to come, and I would always come away impressed. She wouldn't think I had any reason to be, but I didn't care then, and I don't care now. She struck me as a person who cared deeply, yet had a difficult time coming to terms with how she could best show her care. She was refreshingly real in an environment that was difficult to be real in. I remember asking her how she was doing, and she'd sometimes ask me if I really wanted to know or if I was just asking. *Sigh*...all those kids in that youth group did that, it seemed. They didn't think I really wanted to know what was going on in their lives. Only Garcia really caught on that I meant it when I asked it. Speaking of Garcia, I gotta call that guy...or he needs to call me...(hint hint). Anyway, I was always grateful for what Julie shared with me. She meant what she said, and she didn't hold anything back when she said it. It was often difficult for her to find the right words, but she always gave me the opportunity to listen. For that, I'm grateful.

She may or may not realize it, but she was at least somewhat instrumental in my moving here to go to school. I realized that the Lord had made me to do certain things in this world, and a large part of that realization process was my interaction with not only Julie, but also the rest of the youth group at FCF. Still, Julie was an integral piece of the FCF youth group picture, and the snapshots in my head will always include her. The January '01 camp at Malaekahana would not have been the same without her; I still remember raising my eyebrows at her comments while she served KP duty :) The reading of her own story at the Christmas service two years ago brought me to tears. I can still hear Andrew trying to convince her that she needed to eat more. I didn't really mind if she didn't eat, so long as she gave me her leftovers ;)

I once told Julie that she replied to my emails slower than Andrew did. That got her on the ball a little more :) I now find that I'm the one who's tardy on a reply, however; hopefully this posting will purchase me a little reprieve from Julie's wrath. *Sigh*...that's one thing that I'm a little puzzled by, frankly. She asked me why I still keep in touch with her; I could ask her the same of me, you know?

posted by Bolo | 11:57 PM
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