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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


Colossians 1:9

From a journal entry today...

Colossians 1:9 "For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding..."

It is the faith in Christ that these "saints and faithful brethren" have that Paul gives as the reason for his prayer for them. I look at Paul's reaction to their life in Christ, and I am astounded. His love and his passiobn for them shines through so deeply in his words and prayers for the flocks he oversees. In talking to these believers, he lets them know the depth of his love for them by saying he has (with others) "not ceased to pray" for them. Wow! How often do I pray for those whom I supposedly deeply love? Paul did not even meet these people, he simply "heard of" their faith. The love that he displayed probably came out of a depth of regard and love and intimacy for and with the Father that I can only guess at. Paul did not cease to pray. Why should I?

The knowledge of His will. Here, as in Philippians, "real knowledge" serves as a precursor to the fruit that comes from being filled with such knowledge. In Philippians 1:9, it is Paul's prayer that their love would abound in real knowledge and all discernment. Here, the purpoose is so that the brethren would walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord. Are these different? I don't think so. Real knowledge of God ought to be powered/backed by love, and love ought to be given the backbone of real knowledge that it might be directed properly. Paul is, I think, speaking of real knowledge of God in two different ways, yet they ultimately look the same. I think. For the knowledge of His will must be combined with a knowledge of Him; how else would we truly be comprehend His will? It seems to me very plain that the Lord desires us to know him, and therefor by knowing Him are we then able to discern His will. He reveals Himself and His will to us in such a relational manner! "I will be your God, and you will be My people." "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." So much (all, really) of what Paul is saying centers upon the reality of who Christ is. Dare we miss this? Real knowledge of God comes only by knowledge of Christ!

Spiritual wisdom and understanding. We apply the knowledge of His will with all spiritual wisdom and understanding. There's not really a case where you can take away knowledge of God (fear of God is the beginning of wisdom) and have true spiritual wisdom and understanding. The spiritual wisdom and understanding He grants us comes directly from knowledge of God. Ephesians 1:17 also backs this up. The wisdom and understnading we gain from the Lord has at its root the revelation of God to us of Himself! Only then, in Christ, can we act according to His nature and will in these lives He gives us. The book of Colossians centers on who Christ is, and Paul's prayer is no different.

posted by Bolo | 3:09 PM
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