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A hermitudinal view of...stuff...


But Dust

At least this time I didn't pray that God would humble me.

Sometimes I'll pray a prayer like that. God always seems to answer it, much to my temporary chagrin. I already went over God's faithfulness to answering prayer yesterday, so I won't rehash that more than I need to, but it seems to be particularly true when I ask God to humble me. My it ever. Yet, there are many times when He'll use circumstance to humble me juuuuust enough to bring me to my knees once more, and I haven't even prayed for it. It's in those times that I realize with a sweet clarity that God truly is my Father, because I feel much like a tiny child in His arms, gently weeping from His admonishment. He knows what is best for me, and gives it to me despite my silly protests. It's comforting to know that He sees me and knows my frame, that it is "but dust." Christ knows my weaknesses, how deeply I am beset by them, and can sympathize because He, too, was beset by the very same, yet withstood and overcame beyond all doubt or comprehension.

Last night, I had a good conversation with Boss about our futures. One thing I've begun to grasp more and more is the idea that everything I do now affects everything that happens later. In essence, it's the Deuteronomic Principle (sorry...Bible College money phrase) in action. We talked about what'll happen for us down the eventually graduating...eventually being the operative term...him possibly going to Japan next Summer and all the implications of that. In light of all God's bringing our way, how are we to live? It's a sobering consideration. Am I doing all I can to honor the Lord? Or, as John Piper puts it, am I wasting my life? Gary reminded me last week of the importance of my studies. I'm grateful for that reminder, because it's one that can get lost in the hubbub of everyday life. Dr. Orrick told us about much the same thing over a week ago at Men's Night (Scott wrote an excellent tidbit on it, by the way), recanting to us that he viewed his college days as a time to "gather ingredients" for the "recipe" that he'd be cooking for the rest of his life. He pointed out that a cook wouldn't start preparing a meal without first gathering all the appropriate ingredients first, lest he have to stop in the middle of the cooking and get something. A dish may be ruined, causing him to have to start all over, or perhaps he'd have to skip it entirely.

In a very real sense, I feel the weight of all I do. The implications are staggering! Yet, I take comfort in one thing: the Lord is mindful of my frame, that I am "but dust." Jesus will not break a bruised reed, nor will He snuff out a dying flame. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. And, should I be crushed by the weight of His glory, it is because I view the passing pain of the suffering of this world as nothing compared to the joy set before me in Christ.

posted by Bolo | 3:56 PM
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